1 00:00:03,279 --> 00:00:10,080 I am not cooking with you with 2 00:00:06,559 --> 00:00:10,080 these it's not 3 00:00:13,240 --> 00:00:19,600 happening can I have your 4 00:00:15,720 --> 00:00:24,679 signature on this this is our CL session 5 00:00:19,600 --> 00:00:24,679 meeting that I conceal for a 6 00:00:28,759 --> 00:00:32,518 year thank you you're 7 00:00:36,640 --> 00:00:43,439 welcome I need your signature on there 8 00:00:39,399 --> 00:00:46,920 oh okay all right full session meeting 9 00:00:43,439 --> 00:00:46,919 okay this one 10 00:00:51,600 --> 00:00:57,320 never ready 11 00:00:54,079 --> 00:00:57,320 I'll oh 12 00:00:58,119 --> 00:01:04,118 yeah the shoe here 13 00:01:00,799 --> 00:01:05,879 hey on the agenda thing just if you want 14 00:01:04,118 --> 00:01:07,959 to put it right here I told you I don't 15 00:01:05,879 --> 00:01:10,920 need one you can share one if that's 16 00:01:07,959 --> 00:01:14,539 okay with oh we have the Pack I've read 17 00:01:10,920 --> 00:01:17,759 it you can it I have to 18 00:01:14,540 --> 00:01:17,759 [Music] 19 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:33,959 okay this is no no that was from the 20 00:01:29,560 --> 00:01:33,960 last oh okay couldn't find a 21 00:01:38,759 --> 00:01:41,879 date all 22 00:01:42,239 --> 00:01:48,679 right well I think you and I need to 23 00:01:44,680 --> 00:01:48,680 talk with boss first 24 00:01:57,319 --> 00:02:00,489 [Music] 25 00:02:03,478 --> 00:02:07,159 I'll be around sometime next week if you 26 00:02:08,758 --> 00:02:12,199 L are going to 27 00:02:22,360 --> 00:02:25,539 [Music] 28 00:02:25,840 --> 00:02:33,729 help there's details in there 29 00:02:30,530 --> 00:02:33,729 [Music] 30 00:02:42,039 --> 00:02:47,759 that would 31 00:02:43,239 --> 00:02:47,759 be that would be funny 32 00:02:47,849 --> 00:02:51,000 [Music] 33 00:03:09,759 --> 00:03:13,840 all 34 00:03:10,560 --> 00:03:17,598 right well I seen these and I informed 35 00:03:13,840 --> 00:03:17,598 Sarah I was not going to compete 36 00:03:22,360 --> 00:03:27,200 with Ryan police 37 00:03:28,280 --> 00:03:31,759 officer my 38 00:03:35,799 --> 00:03:42,719 yeah it it was turned ter turned it 39 00:03:38,479 --> 00:03:42,719 Jennifer did you 40 00:03:56,598 --> 00:04:01,719 anybody I'm going to have toep it up 41 00:04:10,158 --> 00:04:17,399 yes good all right then when that CL 42 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:17,399 it's seven 43 00:04:42,839 --> 00:04:45,839 ser 44 00:05:01,160 --> 00:05:07,240 all right I think I'll uh call the 45 00:05:04,079 --> 00:05:09,879 meeting order rise for the Pledge of 46 00:05:07,240 --> 00:05:09,879 Allegiance 47 00:05:10,360 --> 00:05:17,199 please I pledge aliance to the flag of 48 00:05:14,120 --> 00:05:21,038 the United States of America and to the 49 00:05:17,199 --> 00:05:24,360 Republic for which it stands one nation 50 00:05:21,038 --> 00:05:28,079 under God indivisible with liberty and 51 00:05:24,360 --> 00:05:28,080 justice for all 52 00:05:29,959 --> 00:05:34,719 all 53 00:05:31,439 --> 00:05:38,399 right we have uh roll call 54 00:05:34,720 --> 00:05:41,360 please Greg CS here Jennifer Eden here 55 00:05:38,399 --> 00:05:44,879 Sarah dolman Jersey here Herman Ferguson 56 00:05:41,360 --> 00:05:47,520 here Dean hos here Chris Retta here Pam 57 00:05:44,879 --> 00:05:47,519 ller 58 00:05:48,519 --> 00:05:56,159 here all right we'll move into the 59 00:05:51,720 --> 00:05:58,440 approval of the agenda uh or any 60 00:05:56,160 --> 00:06:02,120 changes 61 00:05:58,439 --> 00:06:05,680 um I would like to propose a change I 62 00:06:02,120 --> 00:06:08,199 would like to move the Communications 63 00:06:05,680 --> 00:06:11,199 number two uh 64 00:06:08,199 --> 00:06:15,478 letter from uh how do you pronounce your 65 00:06:11,199 --> 00:06:19,199 last name CIO CIO uh letter from CIO Law 66 00:06:15,478 --> 00:06:22,918 Firm I would like to move that down to 67 00:06:19,199 --> 00:06:25,120 in between uh five and six on the new 68 00:06:22,918 --> 00:06:28,159 business and I would like to add 69 00:06:25,120 --> 00:06:31,959 discussion of 70 00:06:28,160 --> 00:06:33,840 letter and uh uh I'm looking for a 71 00:06:31,959 --> 00:06:35,879 motion to do that 72 00:06:33,839 --> 00:06:39,598 please so 73 00:06:35,879 --> 00:06:41,759 moved I need a second second I would 74 00:06:39,598 --> 00:06:46,079 like to remind the board 75 00:06:41,759 --> 00:06:48,000 that if we don't do that tonight uh it's 76 00:06:46,079 --> 00:06:51,719 going to be on the 77 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:54,720 agenda uh what March 4th so I would like 78 00:06:51,720 --> 00:06:57,080 to get this over and done with tonight 79 00:06:54,720 --> 00:07:01,520 so we take a vote please can it not be 80 00:06:57,079 --> 00:07:01,519 discussed the way that it is no 81 00:07:02,120 --> 00:07:07,000 we can't have an open discussion under 82 00:07:04,478 --> 00:07:09,199 the communications from what I 83 00:07:07,000 --> 00:07:11,879 understand we should be able to have a 84 00:07:09,199 --> 00:07:14,000 discussion and then I want to move it I 85 00:07:11,879 --> 00:07:16,479 want to move it to the agenda please 86 00:07:14,000 --> 00:07:18,199 Chuck can we have a discussion in the 87 00:07:16,478 --> 00:07:21,839 communications on that 88 00:07:18,199 --> 00:07:24,840 letter if if the item is moved from one 89 00:07:21,839 --> 00:07:28,079 location on the agend another we can't 90 00:07:24,839 --> 00:07:28,079 hear you 91 00:07:32,360 --> 00:07:38,360 if there's a motion to amend the agenda 92 00:07:36,519 --> 00:07:40,519 to move something from one place to 93 00:07:38,360 --> 00:07:42,280 another just like any other motion the 94 00:07:40,519 --> 00:07:43,399 board gets to discuss the motion if 95 00:07:42,279 --> 00:07:46,359 that's what you're 96 00:07:43,399 --> 00:07:49,318 asking I think she's asking if it we can 97 00:07:46,360 --> 00:07:49,319 discuss it under 98 00:07:50,360 --> 00:07:55,199 Communications there's no reason why the 99 00:07:52,120 --> 00:07:55,199 board can't discuss it there 100 00:07:58,439 --> 00:08:04,759 no there's no reason we can't do a 101 00:08:02,360 --> 00:08:07,280 full-blown discussion on it under 102 00:08:04,759 --> 00:08:11,038 Communications and take a 103 00:08:07,279 --> 00:08:13,679 vote a vote for what to resend what the 104 00:08:11,038 --> 00:08:13,680 letter is 105 00:08:14,079 --> 00:08:21,478 about that's the to remov commun agenda 106 00:08:19,120 --> 00:08:24,120 that's what we're trying to 107 00:08:21,478 --> 00:08:26,719 do if you're changing the agenda you do 108 00:08:24,120 --> 00:08:30,879 have to vote on that that's what I'm 109 00:08:26,720 --> 00:08:35,599 asking yes so you have a I have a a 110 00:08:30,879 --> 00:08:36,959 motion and a second and I'm favor I'm 111 00:08:35,599 --> 00:08:39,479 looking for this truly about 112 00:08:36,958 --> 00:08:41,559 transparency it needs to be done yeah if 113 00:08:39,479 --> 00:08:43,759 if it's not done tonight it's going to 114 00:08:41,559 --> 00:08:46,159 I'm going to put it on the agenda on the 115 00:08:43,759 --> 00:08:48,439 4th so well it was also moved it was 116 00:08:46,159 --> 00:08:51,039 also moved from the last uh couple 117 00:08:48,440 --> 00:08:53,480 meetings ago at the request of Herman 118 00:08:51,039 --> 00:08:55,159 and everybody agreed to put it on the 119 00:08:53,480 --> 00:08:57,680 agenda at the next meeting where 120 00:08:55,159 --> 00:09:00,919 everyone was present this is the next 121 00:08:57,679 --> 00:09:02,879 meeting where everyone is present and 122 00:09:00,919 --> 00:09:06,838 every six of us except Jennifer who 123 00:09:02,879 --> 00:09:11,039 wasn't here agreed to do that very thing 124 00:09:06,839 --> 00:09:13,720 so that's been pre-approved in a way and 125 00:09:11,039 --> 00:09:16,958 now we need to vote on 126 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:19,399 it it is on the agenda though it's not 127 00:09:16,958 --> 00:09:21,518 in it's in Communications it needs to be 128 00:09:19,399 --> 00:09:24,320 moved to the portion of the agenda under 129 00:09:21,519 --> 00:09:26,000 new business and that's where we should 130 00:09:24,320 --> 00:09:28,839 have the appropriate discussion there's 131 00:09:26,000 --> 00:09:31,799 no law that says it can't be moved uh 132 00:09:28,839 --> 00:09:33,720 we're taking a motion and a support 133 00:09:31,799 --> 00:09:35,120 there he's just saying it doesn't if he 134 00:09:33,720 --> 00:09:37,120 says you can have discuss we're going to 135 00:09:35,120 --> 00:09:39,200 do we're going to have a vote if it 136 00:09:37,120 --> 00:09:41,399 doesn't pass I'll move it to the fourth 137 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:44,480 and we'll drag this out another two 138 00:09:41,399 --> 00:09:46,559 weeks so please let's have a vote I 139 00:09:44,480 --> 00:09:48,440 think Chris is going to be gone though I 140 00:09:46,559 --> 00:09:50,759 will be gone on the 141 00:09:48,440 --> 00:09:53,200 4th so we're dragging it out so we'll 142 00:09:50,759 --> 00:09:55,799 drag it out another month that's what 143 00:09:53,200 --> 00:09:58,680 the residents are really liking well we 144 00:09:55,799 --> 00:10:00,319 keep on dragging this on well I just 145 00:09:58,679 --> 00:10:01,879 want I just want the rest of the board 146 00:10:00,320 --> 00:10:03,120 except for Jennifer who wasn't here to 147 00:10:01,879 --> 00:10:05,240 honor their 148 00:10:03,120 --> 00:10:07,480 agreement that's what you guys let's 149 00:10:05,240 --> 00:10:07,480 have a 150 00:10:09,078 --> 00:10:13,799 vote can we have a vote you just say all 151 00:10:12,240 --> 00:10:18,959 in favor all in 152 00:10:13,799 --> 00:10:22,039 favor I I'll oppose Nay 153 00:10:18,958 --> 00:10:25,000 n I say we put it on I'll vote we'll do 154 00:10:22,039 --> 00:10:27,719 it tonight since Chris won't be here 155 00:10:25,000 --> 00:10:31,000 we'll talk about it thank you her you're 156 00:10:27,720 --> 00:10:33,200 welcome hi 157 00:10:31,000 --> 00:10:36,440 so it's added as new business as 158 00:10:33,200 --> 00:10:39,200 discussion yep discussion of letter and 159 00:10:36,440 --> 00:10:41,399 it would be item number six with number 160 00:10:39,200 --> 00:10:46,759 six being number 161 00:10:41,399 --> 00:10:46,759 seven thank you discussion of letter 162 00:10:48,919 --> 00:10:52,399 okay any other 163 00:10:55,240 --> 00:11:00,759 changes all right I'll move motion to 164 00:10:58,200 --> 00:11:02,278 approve is change 165 00:11:00,759 --> 00:11:05,078 I got a 166 00:11:02,278 --> 00:11:06,600 second already did second we don't have 167 00:11:05,078 --> 00:11:09,838 all 168 00:11:06,600 --> 00:11:12,399 right all right uh approval of the 169 00:11:09,839 --> 00:11:15,680 consent agenda um your regular board 170 00:11:12,399 --> 00:11:17,399 minutes February 4th close session 171 00:11:15,679 --> 00:11:21,239 minutes February 172 00:11:17,399 --> 00:11:25,120 4th treasurers report January 173 00:11:21,240 --> 00:11:28,480 31st and the clerks warrants and bills 174 00:11:25,120 --> 00:11:31,240 February 12th so move support all in 175 00:11:28,480 --> 00:11:31,240 favor 176 00:11:34,159 --> 00:11:38,958 oppose uh 177 00:11:36,519 --> 00:11:42,519 Communications monthly Bard budget 178 00:11:38,958 --> 00:11:42,518 report for January 179 00:11:44,679 --> 00:11:49,439 2025 I look that 180 00:11:46,958 --> 00:11:52,638 over I'll make a 181 00:11:49,440 --> 00:11:58,200 motion to receive and place on file 182 00:11:52,639 --> 00:11:58,200 second all in favor I I 183 00:11:58,240 --> 00:12:05,240 oppose motion car okay 184 00:12:02,000 --> 00:12:08,159 um moving into public 185 00:12:05,240 --> 00:12:11,519 remarks please keep it to the agenda 186 00:12:08,159 --> 00:12:13,278 items only on this 187 00:12:11,519 --> 00:12:16,278 first 188 00:12:13,278 --> 00:12:16,278 remarks 189 00:12:16,879 --> 00:12:24,639 Scott in regards to this number um seven 190 00:12:20,720 --> 00:12:27,040 now I got to tell the story because um 191 00:12:24,639 --> 00:12:29,320 from the beginning Scott I'm sorry can 192 00:12:27,039 --> 00:12:30,838 you go over here so the mic cut and make 193 00:12:29,320 --> 00:12:33,240 the mic's on please I got to start from 194 00:12:30,839 --> 00:12:37,440 the beginning when you start 195 00:12:33,240 --> 00:12:41,278 start um it's so the video can hear you 196 00:12:37,440 --> 00:12:44,240 as well okay um I came my wife noticed 197 00:12:41,278 --> 00:12:48,039 the advertisement on Facebook um for 198 00:12:44,240 --> 00:12:52,600 Bare Naked woods and I'll get to the 199 00:12:48,039 --> 00:12:54,198 number seven with this story um I saw it 200 00:12:52,600 --> 00:12:57,399 and I noticed it had nothing to do with 201 00:12:54,198 --> 00:13:01,120 the w products and it was a far as there 202 00:12:57,399 --> 00:13:03,320 was a violation of the L I brought it to 203 00:13:01,120 --> 00:13:04,679 Ross and apparently a letter went out 204 00:13:03,320 --> 00:13:08,639 that was approved by 205 00:13:04,679 --> 00:13:11,278 Greg um and make a long story 206 00:13:08,639 --> 00:13:13,879 short this ball got rolled and all of a 207 00:13:11,278 --> 00:13:16,759 sudden apparently you went out without 208 00:13:13,879 --> 00:13:18,198 anybody else knowing right and 209 00:13:16,759 --> 00:13:20,759 apparently told them they could go ahead 210 00:13:18,198 --> 00:13:25,359 and disregard the letter from the 211 00:13:20,759 --> 00:13:30,078 township so without further Ado after 212 00:13:25,360 --> 00:13:32,759 that then comes the repet they show up 213 00:13:30,078 --> 00:13:35,319 at bare naked Woods on the 214 00:13:32,759 --> 00:13:36,559 25th and they are there at 7:30 in the 215 00:13:35,320 --> 00:13:37,639 morning according to the video that was 216 00:13:36,559 --> 00:13:40,838 posted 217 00:13:37,639 --> 00:13:44,320 online and Chris is wiring the sound 218 00:13:40,839 --> 00:13:46,639 system for an event this event that is 219 00:13:44,320 --> 00:13:50,360 supposed to be not allowed under their 220 00:13:46,639 --> 00:13:54,079 special Landings permit and the next day 221 00:13:50,360 --> 00:13:56,560 they were there at this event it was for 222 00:13:54,078 --> 00:13:59,799 selling a product 223 00:13:56,559 --> 00:14:02,078 that drops for help and it had nothing 224 00:13:59,799 --> 00:14:04,519 to do with good products 225 00:14:02,078 --> 00:14:08,120 sell and 226 00:14:04,519 --> 00:14:10,799 um my my complaint is and I'm really 227 00:14:08,120 --> 00:14:13,679 concerned Chris is you're on a planing 228 00:14:10,799 --> 00:14:17,159 commission and you're on the board and 229 00:14:13,679 --> 00:14:20,278 you're willfully helping these people 230 00:14:17,159 --> 00:14:21,838 violate our ordinance you're supposed to 231 00:14:20,278 --> 00:14:25,480 you sat here and thought for months and 232 00:14:21,839 --> 00:14:27,000 years about people doing this do you 233 00:14:25,480 --> 00:14:31,720 understand what you 234 00:14:27,000 --> 00:14:32,600 did honestly you wired a place for sound 235 00:14:31,720 --> 00:14:35,920 for an 236 00:14:32,600 --> 00:14:38,159 event that shouldn't be happening far as 237 00:14:35,919 --> 00:14:38,159 I'm 238 00:14:38,278 --> 00:14:44,159 concerned um we preached and get 239 00:14:41,480 --> 00:14:45,720 preached and you preached we I did too 240 00:14:44,159 --> 00:14:49,120 about doing things right in this 241 00:14:45,720 --> 00:14:52,079 Township and you have assisted this and 242 00:14:49,120 --> 00:14:55,240 you knew better 243 00:14:52,078 --> 00:14:56,719 um great I mean for you to go there by 244 00:14:55,240 --> 00:14:59,600 yourself and discuss this with them 245 00:14:56,720 --> 00:15:01,240 after the letter went out I mean I'm 246 00:14:59,600 --> 00:15:04,079 looking at this I can see a couple more 247 00:15:01,240 --> 00:15:05,959 centers being done and Chris this 248 00:15:04,078 --> 00:15:07,799 doesn't help you with the fact that they 249 00:15:05,958 --> 00:15:12,518 want you off the 250 00:15:07,799 --> 00:15:12,519 planet I'm sorry it's like strike 251 00:15:21,000 --> 00:15:24,240 two any 252 00:15:25,360 --> 00:15:29,360 other sure 253 00:15:45,720 --> 00:15:52,000 just pull 254 00:15:47,278 --> 00:15:55,759 it uh Mike Mark uh very 255 00:15:52,000 --> 00:15:57,318 good I just wanted to bring to attention 256 00:15:55,759 --> 00:16:00,919 uh from the harassment that we're 257 00:15:57,318 --> 00:16:00,919 getting from local res 258 00:16:02,278 --> 00:16:10,278 um things that we have been permitted 259 00:16:05,799 --> 00:16:14,039 from the township right here in our use 260 00:16:10,278 --> 00:16:17,078 letter talking about classes special 261 00:16:14,039 --> 00:16:19,879 events all the things that the board 262 00:16:17,078 --> 00:16:23,638 already approved for our 263 00:16:19,879 --> 00:16:27,958 business uh the event uh that was just 264 00:16:23,639 --> 00:16:30,278 spoken about was nothing more than a a 265 00:16:27,958 --> 00:16:32,799 2hour present very similar to like the 266 00:16:30,278 --> 00:16:34,919 Tupperware party I shouldn't even have 267 00:16:32,799 --> 00:16:36,439 to explain all of the things when we 268 00:16:34,919 --> 00:16:38,879 talked about special events at our 269 00:16:36,440 --> 00:16:42,120 business it was going to be wood events 270 00:16:38,879 --> 00:16:44,198 spring and holiday events vendors 271 00:16:42,120 --> 00:16:48,480 possible things we all had agreed that 272 00:16:44,198 --> 00:16:51,318 we would provide a rider for insurance 273 00:16:48,480 --> 00:16:54,680 if we have a an event um but we had 274 00:16:51,318 --> 00:16:57,639 already talked and preapproved things 275 00:16:54,679 --> 00:16:59,198 that that we could potentially do at our 276 00:16:57,639 --> 00:17:05,000 farm 277 00:16:59,198 --> 00:17:07,038 um so this event which was no selling 278 00:17:05,000 --> 00:17:11,798 as just mentioned 279 00:17:07,038 --> 00:17:15,359 here U there was a presentation but the 280 00:17:11,798 --> 00:17:16,318 uh the harassment publicly Facebook um 281 00:17:15,359 --> 00:17:21,038 elected 282 00:17:16,318 --> 00:17:23,678 officials that are and and uh people are 283 00:17:21,038 --> 00:17:26,879 making comments uh derogatory things 284 00:17:23,679 --> 00:17:29,200 about our business is 285 00:17:26,880 --> 00:17:31,679 unacceptable so I just wanted to sh sh 286 00:17:29,200 --> 00:17:33,840 that if there are any issues uh we did 287 00:17:31,679 --> 00:17:37,559 address them immediately we received a 288 00:17:33,839 --> 00:17:40,279 letter regarding the event that we had 289 00:17:37,558 --> 00:17:42,639 um two days prior to the event we 290 00:17:40,279 --> 00:17:46,480 addressed it immediately I came to the 291 00:17:42,640 --> 00:17:49,200 Township offices personally we provided 292 00:17:46,480 --> 00:17:53,160 all the information we had our approvals 293 00:17:49,200 --> 00:17:54,798 and we had no response after that so I 294 00:17:53,160 --> 00:17:59,880 just wanted to share that 295 00:17:54,798 --> 00:18:01,480 information you had approvals from whom 296 00:17:59,880 --> 00:18:03,080 in the office I talked to Carrie I 297 00:18:01,480 --> 00:18:06,000 dropped off the information that 298 00:18:03,079 --> 00:18:08,519 everything was went in the in the file 299 00:18:06,000 --> 00:18:12,319 whatever that means and it was fine we 300 00:18:08,519 --> 00:18:13,319 were told it was fine so we had our that 301 00:18:12,319 --> 00:18:15,519 was 302 00:18:13,319 --> 00:18:17,158 it it was an event we were going to have 303 00:18:15,519 --> 00:18:19,759 in our own personal home this is our 304 00:18:17,159 --> 00:18:22,320 home and our business so we moved the 305 00:18:19,759 --> 00:18:27,440 event into our pole barn so that we 306 00:18:22,319 --> 00:18:32,000 could provide um a speaker so people can 307 00:18:27,440 --> 00:18:34,798 hear um as far as the information of 308 00:18:32,000 --> 00:18:37,279 Chris wiring the sound system we put 309 00:18:34,798 --> 00:18:41,679 together a microphone and a speaker so 310 00:18:37,279 --> 00:18:44,678 that myself my wife people that we 311 00:18:41,679 --> 00:18:46,919 presenting all right thank you Mike 312 00:18:44,679 --> 00:18:46,919 thank 313 00:18:52,720 --> 00:18:57,519 you anyone else yes 314 00:19:02,519 --> 00:19:08,359 I'm Sally e I'm a long res I'd like to 315 00:19:06,599 --> 00:19:12,599 thank the board members I know you all 316 00:19:08,359 --> 00:19:14,038 ran to make things better and um it's 317 00:19:12,599 --> 00:19:16,839 not an easy 318 00:19:14,038 --> 00:19:19,200 job what I'm asking now is that you 319 00:19:16,839 --> 00:19:22,678 figure out how to settle this without 320 00:19:19,200 --> 00:19:24,798 wasting any more taxpayer time and money 321 00:19:22,679 --> 00:19:28,440 that you don't go through the court 322 00:19:24,798 --> 00:19:30,599 systems and waste our money on what 323 00:19:28,440 --> 00:19:35,519 should be an internal thing that you can 324 00:19:30,599 --> 00:19:35,519 handle thank you thank you 325 00:19:36,640 --> 00:19:40,000 Sally sure 326 00:19:47,159 --> 00:19:53,919 bra hi name's Brad schz live in Township 327 00:19:52,000 --> 00:19:56,919 um I just want to get up and really 328 00:19:53,919 --> 00:19:59,200 quickly um reaffirm my support now 329 00:19:56,919 --> 00:20:02,240 that's the appropriate time to do so um 330 00:19:59,200 --> 00:20:04,519 for Chris on the Planning Commission um 331 00:20:02,240 --> 00:20:07,960 as Leon from the board to the Planning 332 00:20:04,519 --> 00:20:11,158 Commission um I just feel that between 333 00:20:07,960 --> 00:20:13,480 him and his wife um I I think that their 334 00:20:11,159 --> 00:20:16,080 breath of knowledge passion they've been 335 00:20:13,480 --> 00:20:18,480 pit bulls for this Township for how many 336 00:20:16,079 --> 00:20:21,519 years many of the board members here 337 00:20:18,480 --> 00:20:24,319 have worked with this family on on 338 00:20:21,519 --> 00:20:26,158 Special Projects um and to be perfectly 339 00:20:24,319 --> 00:20:28,240 honest I think he's probably shown up to 340 00:20:26,159 --> 00:20:31,320 a lot more Planning Commission meetings 341 00:20:28,240 --> 00:20:34,000 than the planning Commissioners um so I 342 00:20:31,319 --> 00:20:36,558 think it would be a huge mistake uh once 343 00:20:34,000 --> 00:20:40,000 you get to that point of discussion um 344 00:20:36,558 --> 00:20:42,240 regarding that um uh my second order of 345 00:20:40,000 --> 00:20:45,200 business really quickly is regarding the 346 00:20:42,240 --> 00:20:47,960 letter that came from the law firm that 347 00:20:45,200 --> 00:20:50,480 it sounds like uh Chris and Dean hired 348 00:20:47,960 --> 00:20:52,919 out of their own pocket um that would 349 00:20:50,480 --> 00:20:58,038 mean that at this point in time right 350 00:20:52,919 --> 00:21:01,440 now um whatever 7:15 tonight uh the only 351 00:20:58,038 --> 00:21:03,359 members who have spent money on bringing 352 00:21:01,440 --> 00:21:07,080 lawsuits toward other members of the 353 00:21:03,359 --> 00:21:09,359 board has been I think sidal New Jersey 354 00:21:07,079 --> 00:21:12,038 uh along with the attorney right here is 355 00:21:09,359 --> 00:21:15,399 that correct 356 00:21:12,038 --> 00:21:18,319 mik you guys you guys sorry it's had a 357 00:21:15,400 --> 00:21:20,880 discussion as far as I understand it the 358 00:21:18,319 --> 00:21:23,158 the township attorney was utilized in 359 00:21:20,880 --> 00:21:24,600 order to write the cental letter toward 360 00:21:23,159 --> 00:21:27,520 these 361 00:21:24,599 --> 00:21:29,599 guys and I disagree with that now these 362 00:21:27,519 --> 00:21:31,278 guys have paid out of their ET and I 363 00:21:29,599 --> 00:21:33,678 believe that all three of them should 364 00:21:31,278 --> 00:21:36,200 have a removal of that centure whether 365 00:21:33,679 --> 00:21:40,080 it is a formal thing or an informal 366 00:21:36,200 --> 00:21:40,080 thing that's my thank 367 00:21:47,159 --> 00:21:53,880 you yeah Kevin all 368 00:21:50,839 --> 00:21:57,639 right couple Corrections first on his 369 00:21:53,880 --> 00:22:00,240 this is your Foy document from uh 1230 370 00:21:57,640 --> 00:22:02,759 2024 you actually reached out against 371 00:22:00,240 --> 00:22:04,359 the contract of foster Swift and reached 372 00:22:02,759 --> 00:22:06,119 out to them concerning fo which is now 373 00:22:04,359 --> 00:22:08,879 part of the contract that's a that's a 374 00:22:06,119 --> 00:22:12,678 uh uh uh that's a violation right there 375 00:22:08,880 --> 00:22:17,880 other one uh according to according to 376 00:22:12,679 --> 00:22:20,240 April 11 2023 it also states that um if 377 00:22:17,880 --> 00:22:22,320 the applicant this is referring to uh 378 00:22:20,240 --> 00:22:23,960 bar Woods if the applicant wishes to 379 00:22:22,319 --> 00:22:25,678 host special events it would be 380 00:22:23,960 --> 00:22:27,600 considered a minor Amendment to the site 381 00:22:25,679 --> 00:22:31,320 plan pending approval of this amendment 382 00:22:27,599 --> 00:22:33,240 the board should NE hang of insurance 383 00:22:31,319 --> 00:22:34,558 where is that on the agenda well they 384 00:22:33,240 --> 00:22:36,519 they brought it up I was going to head 385 00:22:34,558 --> 00:22:38,798 and correct so dear members of the 386 00:22:36,519 --> 00:22:40,558 Township Board we the under assigned 387 00:22:38,798 --> 00:22:41,879 residents of Tyrone Township and members 388 00:22:40,558 --> 00:22:44,158 of the Planning Commission right to 389 00:22:41,880 --> 00:22:45,960 formally express our deep concern 390 00:22:44,159 --> 00:22:47,960 regarding the conduct of EX official 391 00:22:45,960 --> 00:22:50,240 Planning Commission member and Township 392 00:22:47,960 --> 00:22:52,159 Board member Chris Reta giving his 393 00:22:50,240 --> 00:22:54,759 recent centure by the Township Board we 394 00:22:52,159 --> 00:22:56,159 respectfully request that he' be removed 395 00:22:54,759 --> 00:22:58,158 from his position on the Planning 396 00:22:56,159 --> 00:23:00,440 Commission without delay as you are 397 00:22:58,159 --> 00:23:02,159 aware Mr Reta was censured due to his 398 00:23:00,440 --> 00:23:04,440 involvement in the creation and 399 00:23:02,159 --> 00:23:06,760 dissemination of an unlawful document 400 00:23:04,440 --> 00:23:09,240 drafted in collaboration with Mr K and 401 00:23:06,759 --> 00:23:10,919 Mr hos containing baseless accusations 402 00:23:09,240 --> 00:23:13,359 of nonfeasance against the Planning 403 00:23:10,919 --> 00:23:15,720 Commission members this document not 404 00:23:13,359 --> 00:23:17,558 only misrepresented the actions of 405 00:23:15,720 --> 00:23:19,960 commission members but also constituted 406 00:23:17,558 --> 00:23:21,480 a flagrant misuse of authority directly 407 00:23:19,960 --> 00:23:23,440 undermining public trust and the 408 00:23:21,480 --> 00:23:25,159 Integrity of the Township's governance 409 00:23:23,440 --> 00:23:27,440 the principles of accountability 410 00:23:25,159 --> 00:23:30,200 transparency and ethical leadership that 411 00:23:27,440 --> 00:23:33,360 this board is in it to uphold were 412 00:23:30,200 --> 00:23:35,480 blatantly disregarded in this act gr 413 00:23:33,359 --> 00:23:37,359 beyond the immediate implications of 414 00:23:35,480 --> 00:23:40,159 this misconduct the circulation of such 415 00:23:37,359 --> 00:23:42,158 a misleading letter has had far-reaching 416 00:23:40,159 --> 00:23:44,039 consequences the reputations of 417 00:23:42,159 --> 00:23:45,799 dedicated individuals serving on the 418 00:23:44,038 --> 00:23:48,200 Planning Commission have been unfairly 419 00:23:45,798 --> 00:23:51,038 tarnished and local business owners who 420 00:23:48,200 --> 00:23:53,640 volunteered their time in service to the 421 00:23:51,038 --> 00:23:56,599 township have been subjected to undo 422 00:23:53,640 --> 00:23:58,679 scrutiny and reputational harm false 423 00:23:56,599 --> 00:24:00,918 accusations particularly those those 424 00:23:58,679 --> 00:24:03,519 leveled in an official capacity carry 425 00:24:00,919 --> 00:24:05,880 long-term repercussions that extend 426 00:24:03,519 --> 00:24:08,558 beyond the individuals directly name 427 00:24:05,880 --> 00:24:10,679 they erod public confidence in our 428 00:24:08,558 --> 00:24:12,759 institutions and create unnecessary 429 00:24:10,679 --> 00:24:14,720 divisions within our community as 430 00:24:12,759 --> 00:24:16,879 residents who value ethical government 431 00:24:14,720 --> 00:24:18,679 and responsible leadership we believe 432 00:24:16,880 --> 00:24:20,720 that maintaining the Integrity of 433 00:24:18,679 --> 00:24:23,038 Planning Commission of of the Planning 434 00:24:20,720 --> 00:24:25,200 Commission is of Paramount importance 435 00:24:23,038 --> 00:24:26,879 the actions of Mr Reta have demonstrated 436 00:24:25,200 --> 00:24:28,880 a clear departure from these standards 437 00:24:26,880 --> 00:24:31,440 of conduct that should be expected of 438 00:24:28,880 --> 00:24:33,080 those in public services given his 439 00:24:31,440 --> 00:24:34,840 recent Center in the nature of his 440 00:24:33,079 --> 00:24:36,879 actions it's evident the continued 441 00:24:34,839 --> 00:24:39,000 presence of the Planning Commission is 442 00:24:36,880 --> 00:24:41,320 detrimental to both its function and 443 00:24:39,000 --> 00:24:43,319 credibility we therefore urge the 444 00:24:41,319 --> 00:24:46,038 Township Board to take immediate action 445 00:24:43,319 --> 00:24:48,158 by initiating formal proceedings for Mr 446 00:24:46,038 --> 00:24:50,158 retta's removal from the Planning 447 00:24:48,159 --> 00:24:52,000 Commission ensuring our Township's 448 00:24:50,159 --> 00:24:54,320 leadership operates with honesty 449 00:24:52,000 --> 00:24:56,640 accountability and transparency is not 450 00:24:54,319 --> 00:24:58,480 only a responsibility of this board but 451 00:24:56,640 --> 00:25:00,960 also a fundamental expectation of 452 00:24:58,480 --> 00:25:02,558 residents you serve if further action or 453 00:25:00,960 --> 00:25:05,120 input is required from the Planning 454 00:25:02,558 --> 00:25:07,440 Commission to facilitate this process We 455 00:25:05,119 --> 00:25:11,119 Stand fully prepared to cooperate in any 456 00:25:07,440 --> 00:25:11,120 way thanks thank you guys for 457 00:25:13,599 --> 00:25:18,038 matter anybody else 458 00:25:29,410 --> 00:25:33,240 [Music] 459 00:25:31,000 --> 00:25:33,240 Kur 460 00:25:35,278 --> 00:25:41,000 Schultz as a former member of the 461 00:25:38,398 --> 00:25:43,599 Planning Commission and the board with 462 00:25:41,000 --> 00:25:48,038 nine years experience on the Planning 463 00:25:43,599 --> 00:25:50,759 Commission I am just decide myself with 464 00:25:48,038 --> 00:25:55,240 what the three of you have accomplished 465 00:25:50,759 --> 00:25:57,440 here a power grab put people on the 466 00:25:55,240 --> 00:25:59,919 Planning Commission and replace them 467 00:25:57,440 --> 00:26:02,759 that you don't like 468 00:25:59,919 --> 00:26:07,200 you three acted and conspired 469 00:26:02,759 --> 00:26:10,119 together to act as a board without board 470 00:26:07,200 --> 00:26:13,440 approval then you went and told them to 471 00:26:10,119 --> 00:26:15,278 destroy the memo that they 472 00:26:13,440 --> 00:26:18,240 received 473 00:26:15,278 --> 00:26:20,960 now you're acting as real Risk Managers 474 00:26:18,240 --> 00:26:22,919 here and financially and fiscally 475 00:26:20,960 --> 00:26:26,120 responsible who do you think's going to 476 00:26:22,919 --> 00:26:29,559 pay for a lawsuit against the board by 477 00:26:26,119 --> 00:26:29,558 board members 478 00:26:29,599 --> 00:26:33,678 I'm just I can't believe this this is a 479 00:26:31,919 --> 00:26:36,919 power graft the three of you are trying 480 00:26:33,679 --> 00:26:39,679 to bully the other people here into 481 00:26:36,919 --> 00:26:41,679 doing what you want that is not how this 482 00:26:39,679 --> 00:26:44,440 is supposed to work 483 00:26:41,679 --> 00:26:46,559 here I'm ashamed to even say I live in 484 00:26:44,440 --> 00:26:48,558 this Township CU people ask me what the 485 00:26:46,558 --> 00:26:50,918 hell's going on out here is this the 486 00:26:48,558 --> 00:26:50,918 city of 487 00:26:52,038 --> 00:26:58,000 Flint I'm 488 00:26:54,960 --> 00:27:01,519 embarrassed but the four of you cannot 489 00:26:58,000 --> 00:27:03,480 buff under to this kind of bullying 490 00:27:01,519 --> 00:27:05,359 because it's a bullying tactic and it's 491 00:27:03,480 --> 00:27:08,319 exactly what they want you to do because 492 00:27:05,359 --> 00:27:10,398 guess what happens you give into them 493 00:27:08,319 --> 00:27:13,879 now you're going to spend the rest of 494 00:27:10,398 --> 00:27:13,879 the time here giving into 495 00:27:14,000 --> 00:27:19,480 them 496 00:27:15,919 --> 00:27:22,480 so I I have I I'm just just can't even 497 00:27:19,480 --> 00:27:23,558 imagine what is going through your minds 498 00:27:22,480 --> 00:27:26,960 right 499 00:27:23,558 --> 00:27:29,398 now but I certainly am embarrassed to 500 00:27:26,960 --> 00:27:32,798 say I live in this town ship the way you 501 00:27:29,398 --> 00:27:36,839 people have taken over here or tried 502 00:27:32,798 --> 00:27:39,079 to and as far as a member of the board 503 00:27:36,839 --> 00:27:42,398 being on the Planning Commission of all 504 00:27:39,079 --> 00:27:44,759 the choices to make you chose someone 505 00:27:42,398 --> 00:27:48,398 who is suing the 506 00:27:44,759 --> 00:27:50,679 board now that makes a lot of sense it's 507 00:27:48,398 --> 00:27:53,479 going to cost us money and you're going 508 00:27:50,679 --> 00:27:55,840 to have to pay for that you three should 509 00:27:53,480 --> 00:28:01,480 resign but that I'm sure is not going to 510 00:27:55,839 --> 00:28:01,480 happen so you leave up to 511 00:28:13,599 --> 00:28:17,000 recall anyone 512 00:28:19,319 --> 00:28:22,319 else 513 00:28:26,720 --> 00:28:32,360 sure um Jim comes lynon wrad I'm all 514 00:28:31,000 --> 00:28:35,558 kind of new to this I haven't been to 515 00:28:32,359 --> 00:28:37,558 the meetings recently but I wanted to 516 00:28:35,558 --> 00:28:39,798 read this my friend sent me it's the 517 00:28:37,558 --> 00:28:41,480 letter that apparently this thing is 518 00:28:39,798 --> 00:28:43,798 about 519 00:28:41,480 --> 00:28:47,200 originally but it 520 00:28:43,798 --> 00:28:49,558 says I can see it 521 00:28:47,200 --> 00:28:51,519 here your attendant speaking to the 522 00:28:49,558 --> 00:28:53,798 Planning Commission I believe your 523 00:28:51,519 --> 00:28:56,720 attendance record during the 2024 524 00:28:53,798 --> 00:28:59,679 calendar year at Planning Commission 525 00:28:56,720 --> 00:29:02,519 meetings less was less than 80% of held 526 00:28:59,679 --> 00:29:04,840 meetings as a result the Township Board 527 00:29:02,519 --> 00:29:07,120 is charging you with 528 00:29:04,839 --> 00:29:10,240 nonfeasance 529 00:29:07,119 --> 00:29:11,558 um public hearing asking our tenants to 530 00:29:10,240 --> 00:29:13,798 explain their 531 00:29:11,558 --> 00:29:16,599 position first of all I hear this 532 00:29:13,798 --> 00:29:19,079 accusations of baseless accusations 533 00:29:16,599 --> 00:29:22,158 that's not baseless I don't care to come 534 00:29:19,079 --> 00:29:23,918 in here and pay several thousand do for 535 00:29:22,159 --> 00:29:26,080 property taxes if people aren't going to 536 00:29:23,919 --> 00:29:29,519 show up to their freaking meetings what 537 00:29:26,079 --> 00:29:32,439 on my family so I agree with this letter 538 00:29:29,519 --> 00:29:34,640 maybe it got went about wrong but I 539 00:29:32,440 --> 00:29:36,720 agree with that 100% And I would do the 540 00:29:34,640 --> 00:29:39,640 same thing if I got like the township 541 00:29:36,720 --> 00:29:41,240 supervisor or board or whatever my first 542 00:29:39,640 --> 00:29:43,679 order of business be to clean the mess 543 00:29:41,240 --> 00:29:46,240 up and if people ain't showing up I 544 00:29:43,679 --> 00:29:49,200 don't see that it's B I see that it's 545 00:29:46,240 --> 00:29:50,599 doing your job and I I applaud you for 546 00:29:49,200 --> 00:29:52,640 that maybe you want to out the wrong way 547 00:29:50,599 --> 00:29:55,000 I don't know I guess said this is new to 548 00:29:52,640 --> 00:29:57,759 me 549 00:29:55,000 --> 00:29:59,919 but this whole centure thing what I see 550 00:29:57,759 --> 00:30:02,319 sitting back here listening I see a 551 00:29:59,919 --> 00:30:03,880 whole lot of division you can see the 552 00:30:02,319 --> 00:30:06,038 tension with 553 00:30:03,880 --> 00:30:09,000 everyone and I see a lot of people that 554 00:30:06,038 --> 00:30:12,079 weren't here at these meetings before 555 00:30:09,000 --> 00:30:14,798 this election and it makes me question I 556 00:30:12,079 --> 00:30:18,119 watch I watch people's faces and I get a 557 00:30:14,798 --> 00:30:21,558 pretty good sense of who's cause and 558 00:30:18,119 --> 00:30:25,479 Division and I would encourage you 559 00:30:21,558 --> 00:30:28,079 all stop arguing whoever's causing the 560 00:30:25,480 --> 00:30:30,440 arguing and and I'm questioning here we 561 00:30:28,079 --> 00:30:32,960 up on these censures and all this stuff 562 00:30:30,440 --> 00:30:34,720 okay fine deal with it who's talking 563 00:30:32,960 --> 00:30:36,798 about these losers that don't show up to 564 00:30:34,720 --> 00:30:40,159 their meetings back to the original 565 00:30:36,798 --> 00:30:42,679 issue I got a problem with that as a 566 00:30:40,159 --> 00:30:44,278 taxpayer and I that that seems to get 567 00:30:42,679 --> 00:30:46,159 over it's like somebody's trying to 568 00:30:44,278 --> 00:30:48,240 shine a light to distract me from the 569 00:30:46,159 --> 00:30:50,559 original issue so I I don't get over 570 00:30:48,240 --> 00:30:51,399 that so who are these clowns that don't 571 00:30:50,558 --> 00:30:55,798 show 572 00:30:51,398 --> 00:30:57,038 up and whoever's trying to get them to I 573 00:30:55,798 --> 00:31:00,440 stand with you I don't care if anybody 574 00:30:57,038 --> 00:31:03,638 likes me or not so good for 575 00:31:00,440 --> 00:31:03,639 you thank 576 00:31:10,440 --> 00:31:15,038 you uh is there anyone else 577 00:31:25,359 --> 00:31:32,119 Jette Janette up and I'm a tyone 578 00:31:28,839 --> 00:31:33,839 Township resident um I'm glad to see 579 00:31:32,119 --> 00:31:35,959 this board will actually be discussing 580 00:31:33,839 --> 00:31:37,678 the letter from the attorney thank you 581 00:31:35,960 --> 00:31:41,319 for moving it to where it rightfully 582 00:31:37,679 --> 00:31:43,000 belongs um by the way uh something that 583 00:31:41,319 --> 00:31:45,558 people should know that since that 584 00:31:43,000 --> 00:31:47,919 letter was handed out and since it was 585 00:31:45,558 --> 00:31:50,638 taken back the attendance at the 586 00:31:47,919 --> 00:31:54,480 Planning Commission the participation 587 00:31:50,638 --> 00:31:57,119 coming prepared um engaging in the 588 00:31:54,480 --> 00:32:01,399 discussions has been amazing so it 589 00:31:57,119 --> 00:32:07,518 worked thank you Greg for issuing that 590 00:32:01,398 --> 00:32:09,918 letter um I uh see where am 591 00:32:07,519 --> 00:32:11,679 I this isn't just another piece of 592 00:32:09,919 --> 00:32:13,720 Correspondence this letter lays out 593 00:32:11,679 --> 00:32:16,399 serious legal concerns that this board 594 00:32:13,720 --> 00:32:18,159 has ignored for far too long and I did 595 00:32:16,398 --> 00:32:20,398 distribute 30 copies of that letter 596 00:32:18,159 --> 00:32:22,960 tonight I found it very surprising that 597 00:32:20,398 --> 00:32:26,119 the page two of the letter was left out 598 00:32:22,960 --> 00:32:28,000 of the agenda I see it's back in but I 599 00:32:26,119 --> 00:32:29,759 noticed that you didn't label the agenda 600 00:32:28,000 --> 00:32:33,480 is being revised so anybody looking at 601 00:32:29,759 --> 00:32:36,038 it would not know to open it up again um 602 00:32:33,480 --> 00:32:38,079 let's not forget that the township 603 00:32:36,038 --> 00:32:40,359 neglected to record the first part of 604 00:32:38,079 --> 00:32:42,759 the board meeting where those six of you 605 00:32:40,359 --> 00:32:45,759 all clearly agreed to put this letter on 606 00:32:42,759 --> 00:32:48,919 the agenda for discussion so I don't 607 00:32:45,759 --> 00:32:50,919 know why the two ladies were so against 608 00:32:48,919 --> 00:32:53,480 that tonight but for some reason they 609 00:32:50,919 --> 00:32:55,159 don't want to talk about it um I will 610 00:32:53,480 --> 00:32:56,960 publish that video tomorrow because the 611 00:32:55,159 --> 00:32:58,799 township still doesn't put it on their 612 00:32:56,960 --> 00:32:59,720 website even though I've given them the 613 00:32:58,798 --> 00:33:02,960 missing 614 00:32:59,720 --> 00:33:05,079 footage um and then the item for number 615 00:33:02,960 --> 00:33:07,200 six the status of Chris on the Planning 616 00:33:05,079 --> 00:33:09,038 Commission um everyone should know he 617 00:33:07,200 --> 00:33:11,360 was unanimously appointed to the 618 00:33:09,038 --> 00:33:14,599 Planning Commission by this specific 619 00:33:11,359 --> 00:33:16,240 board um and yet without any public 620 00:33:14,599 --> 00:33:18,558 discussion without any state of 621 00:33:16,240 --> 00:33:20,798 justification without any legal reason 622 00:33:18,558 --> 00:33:23,720 his removal is now on the table because 623 00:33:20,798 --> 00:33:25,558 someone's feelings are hurt um if this 624 00:33:23,720 --> 00:33:28,159 board is going to discuss this removal 625 00:33:25,558 --> 00:33:31,158 you owe the township some real answers 626 00:33:28,159 --> 00:33:33,799 as to why is it because he's been too 627 00:33:31,159 --> 00:33:36,120 effective because he refuses to fall in 628 00:33:33,798 --> 00:33:38,079 line and you know the people laughing in 629 00:33:36,119 --> 00:33:40,599 the background are the ones that never 630 00:33:38,079 --> 00:33:42,879 show up for the meetings that have to do 631 00:33:40,599 --> 00:33:44,519 with solar the solar overlay map by the 632 00:33:42,880 --> 00:33:47,320 way there's a meeting tomorrow night 633 00:33:44,519 --> 00:33:50,159 where they're going to add 160 sorry I 634 00:33:47,319 --> 00:33:51,319 got off topic but they're distracting me 635 00:33:50,159 --> 00:33:54,080 so call them 636 00:33:51,319 --> 00:33:56,038 out um certain board members are afraid 637 00:33:54,079 --> 00:33:58,480 of the accountability that he brings and 638 00:33:56,038 --> 00:34:02,359 the questions he asks I think that's 639 00:33:58,480 --> 00:34:04,558 what it is so Planning Commission um now 640 00:34:02,359 --> 00:34:06,240 has come up here and talked about and 641 00:34:04,558 --> 00:34:08,119 again I'm going to get called out for 642 00:34:06,240 --> 00:34:12,440 going off topic so I'll have leave that 643 00:34:08,119 --> 00:34:14,679 one too leave it to later um but I do 644 00:34:12,440 --> 00:34:16,440 believe that this board is afraid of 645 00:34:14,679 --> 00:34:18,159 something afraid of being implicated 646 00:34:16,440 --> 00:34:20,639 that that's why you didn't want it 647 00:34:18,159 --> 00:34:23,240 discussed the residents can see they 648 00:34:20,639 --> 00:34:26,639 know what's happening they will remember 649 00:34:23,239 --> 00:34:28,799 it's time to stop these political games 650 00:34:26,639 --> 00:34:31,039 stop the retaliation and start doing the 651 00:34:28,800 --> 00:34:34,359 job you were elected to do because this 652 00:34:31,039 --> 00:34:37,838 Township belongs to the people not the 653 00:34:34,358 --> 00:34:37,838 status quo thank you 654 00:34:37,878 --> 00:34:42,799 Janette I don't know if it's me but I 655 00:34:40,199 --> 00:34:45,719 can't tell if that mic is 656 00:34:42,800 --> 00:34:47,679 working I'm having an issue you know 657 00:34:45,719 --> 00:34:50,239 what it's not 658 00:34:47,679 --> 00:34:52,760 but well then the people at home can't 659 00:34:50,239 --> 00:34:54,358 hear that no it wasn't 660 00:34:52,760 --> 00:34:57,920 [Music] 661 00:34:54,358 --> 00:34:59,880 turned but I couldn't hear it 662 00:34:57,920 --> 00:35:03,159 I hope the people 663 00:34:59,880 --> 00:35:03,160 are yeah 664 00:35:19,639 --> 00:35:24,879 Bill Bill 665 00:35:22,039 --> 00:35:28,000 wood I'm billwood a longtime Tyrone 666 00:35:24,880 --> 00:35:30,920 Township resident business owner member 667 00:35:28,000 --> 00:35:33,440 of Tyrone Township Planning Commission 668 00:35:30,920 --> 00:35:36,440 I'm writing today to address the effects 669 00:35:33,440 --> 00:35:40,159 of a letter I received in December 670 00:35:36,440 --> 00:35:43,720 24 notifying me of charging of 671 00:35:40,159 --> 00:35:46,358 nonf as well as subsequent derogatory 672 00:35:43,719 --> 00:35:50,279 harmful and untrue remarks made about me 673 00:35:46,358 --> 00:35:53,639 at the T Tyrone Township board meeting 674 00:35:50,280 --> 00:35:56,800 the comments are public record available 675 00:35:53,639 --> 00:35:58,920 for everyone to see the effects cannot 676 00:35:56,800 --> 00:36:02,318 be undone 677 00:35:58,920 --> 00:36:05,159 the liable and slander have caused 678 00:36:02,318 --> 00:36:05,159 unnecessary 679 00:36:05,199 --> 00:36:12,039 stress damaged my reputation in business 680 00:36:09,000 --> 00:36:14,559 relationships in the community negative 681 00:36:12,039 --> 00:36:15,559 comments travel much further than 682 00:36:14,559 --> 00:36:18,159 positive 683 00:36:15,559 --> 00:36:20,639 ones I have been approached regarding 684 00:36:18,159 --> 00:36:23,118 these negative comments at work at 685 00:36:20,639 --> 00:36:26,799 Social Gatherings how does this fit on 686 00:36:23,119 --> 00:36:28,079 the agenda would be discussing of exf 687 00:36:26,800 --> 00:36:30,160 okay 688 00:36:28,079 --> 00:36:32,760 all right apologize 689 00:36:30,159 --> 00:36:35,078 yeah and when with my family it's 690 00:36:32,760 --> 00:36:38,359 impossible to get away from stress 691 00:36:35,079 --> 00:36:41,039 negativity and even while on 692 00:36:38,358 --> 00:36:45,039 vacation many ask what is going on at 693 00:36:41,039 --> 00:36:47,800 the township centures all unnecessary 694 00:36:45,039 --> 00:36:48,800 stress and wasted time and energy could 695 00:36:47,800 --> 00:36:51,920 have been 696 00:36:48,800 --> 00:36:54,200 avoided if certain Tyrone Township board 697 00:36:51,920 --> 00:36:56,800 members would have checked the 698 00:36:54,199 --> 00:37:00,439 facts the letter indicated I did not 699 00:36:56,800 --> 00:37:00,440 meet attendant requirement for 700 00:37:00,838 --> 00:37:06,279 2024 this cannot be true since there is 701 00:37:04,358 --> 00:37:08,400 no attendance mandate for Tyrone 702 00:37:06,280 --> 00:37:11,519 Township Planning 703 00:37:08,400 --> 00:37:15,800 Commission at subsequent board 704 00:37:11,519 --> 00:37:18,719 meeting trustee Chris Retta who's also 705 00:37:15,800 --> 00:37:21,680 an ex official member of Tyrone Township 706 00:37:18,719 --> 00:37:24,358 Planning Commission stated my attendance 707 00:37:21,679 --> 00:37:28,000 was less than 708 00:37:24,358 --> 00:37:30,199 50% that is not true 709 00:37:28,000 --> 00:37:32,760 instead of responding to an untrue and 710 00:37:30,199 --> 00:37:35,000 negative statement I asked to meet with 711 00:37:32,760 --> 00:37:36,880 Greg Kars 712 00:37:35,000 --> 00:37:41,039 supervisor I 713 00:37:36,880 --> 00:37:44,960 discussed my situation how I 714 00:37:41,039 --> 00:37:48,079 felt about to slanderous statements on 715 00:37:44,960 --> 00:37:50,000 record with a large audience and a lot 716 00:37:48,079 --> 00:37:53,760 of my customers in this 717 00:37:50,000 --> 00:37:57,760 room also that he is harming me in a 718 00:37:53,760 --> 00:37:59,319 personal gain it seems that is 719 00:37:57,760 --> 00:38:01,319 attempting to get certain members 720 00:37:59,318 --> 00:38:04,119 removed from the Planning 721 00:38:01,318 --> 00:38:07,039 Commission I ask that this 722 00:38:04,119 --> 00:38:09,760 liel included in this letter as well as 723 00:38:07,039 --> 00:38:12,039 slanderous statements be retracted and 724 00:38:09,760 --> 00:38:12,040 an 725 00:38:12,318 --> 00:38:17,480 apology the meeting seemed to go well 726 00:38:14,719 --> 00:38:21,000 with supervisor Kan 727 00:38:17,480 --> 00:38:23,079 Kars advised that he would look into it 728 00:38:21,000 --> 00:38:24,760 and I am disappointed to say he never 729 00:38:23,079 --> 00:38:29,440 got back with 730 00:38:24,760 --> 00:38:31,839 me I want the the issue 731 00:38:29,440 --> 00:38:34,079 corrected and I haven't heard one thing 732 00:38:31,838 --> 00:38:34,078 from 733 00:38:36,079 --> 00:38:42,119 you in the 50 years I've lived in Tyrone 734 00:38:39,039 --> 00:38:45,880 Township I've never lodged a complaint 735 00:38:42,119 --> 00:38:49,318 with this community or had one issue 736 00:38:45,880 --> 00:38:53,280 with this Tyrone Township board or 737 00:38:49,318 --> 00:38:57,920 anything and I asked one time and I get 738 00:38:53,280 --> 00:38:57,920 nothing I am very disappointed 739 00:39:00,838 --> 00:39:07,039 you want this sh or off on is fine if it 740 00:39:03,358 --> 00:39:07,039 on thank you thank 741 00:39:09,260 --> 00:39:16,720 [Applause] 742 00:39:12,239 --> 00:39:16,719 you Zach got his hand up 743 00:39:17,440 --> 00:39:23,280 Y Zack Tucker lakebrook drive I'll be 744 00:39:21,039 --> 00:39:27,199 brief I I think it's important that this 745 00:39:23,280 --> 00:39:30,560 board takes very seriously the conduct 746 00:39:27,199 --> 00:39:33,719 uh that has happened uh since the 747 00:39:30,559 --> 00:39:37,039 election and and I've seen a lot of very 748 00:39:33,719 --> 00:39:39,480 very strong things done by this board in 749 00:39:37,039 --> 00:39:41,440 the face of threats and attempts at 750 00:39:39,480 --> 00:39:43,119 intimidation I want the board to know 751 00:39:41,440 --> 00:39:45,280 how much I appreciate that I think it's 752 00:39:43,119 --> 00:39:47,440 the right thing to do for this Township 753 00:39:45,280 --> 00:39:50,280 make sure that it's run correctly and I 754 00:39:47,440 --> 00:39:54,519 appreciate you that's all thank 755 00:39:50,280 --> 00:39:54,519 you thank you 756 00:39:54,570 --> 00:39:57,669 [Music] 757 00:39:59,599 --> 00:40:03,119 anybody else anyone 758 00:40:05,239 --> 00:40:08,479 else all 759 00:40:09,318 --> 00:40:17,318 right let's move on to uh unfinished 760 00:40:13,440 --> 00:40:17,318 business have anything 761 00:40:20,199 --> 00:40:25,838 that all right we 762 00:40:22,559 --> 00:40:29,279 will move in new 763 00:40:25,838 --> 00:40:32,599 business and the the township uh support 764 00:40:29,280 --> 00:40:32,599 Emergency Operations 765 00:40:34,800 --> 00:40:43,160 plan this is a plan we have to uh we 766 00:40:39,519 --> 00:40:43,159 have to renew every four 767 00:40:44,239 --> 00:40:49,199 years and of course uh this year was was 768 00:40:48,199 --> 00:40:52,199 that 769 00:40:49,199 --> 00:40:54,439 year um there's usually not a lot of 770 00:40:52,199 --> 00:40:58,759 changes to it in fact I don't think 771 00:40:54,440 --> 00:41:02,358 there was any real change to it other 772 00:40:58,760 --> 00:41:04,240 than names and phone numbers right well 773 00:41:02,358 --> 00:41:07,078 the township has to appoint someone to 774 00:41:04,239 --> 00:41:08,479 serve as Emergency Management F 775 00:41:07,079 --> 00:41:12,680 typically that's a 776 00:41:08,480 --> 00:41:15,639 supervisor um we did have a trustee on 777 00:41:12,679 --> 00:41:18,759 there we had David Walker because of his 778 00:41:15,639 --> 00:41:21,598 business affiliations with the township 779 00:41:18,760 --> 00:41:24,560 um my personal opinion is that it should 780 00:41:21,599 --> 00:41:26,880 be Pam so it should be the three of us 781 00:41:24,559 --> 00:41:30,400 we are in the office daily and we access 782 00:41:26,880 --> 00:41:34,599 it and um she has access to the website 783 00:41:30,400 --> 00:41:36,838 answering phones um and email listing of 784 00:41:34,599 --> 00:41:38,720 the residents she's able to do that 785 00:41:36,838 --> 00:41:41,078 having a trustee in that position I 786 00:41:38,719 --> 00:41:45,639 think does us no good as they would have 787 00:41:41,079 --> 00:41:45,640 no way to communicate with the the 788 00:41:46,480 --> 00:41:53,838 residents so I think the um Emergency 789 00:41:50,719 --> 00:41:57,838 Management Leon should be you 790 00:41:53,838 --> 00:41:57,838 I um 791 00:41:58,199 --> 00:42:04,480 I oppose that uh I be moved up to First 792 00:42:01,559 --> 00:42:06,639 alternate in replace of the trustee I 793 00:42:04,480 --> 00:42:11,159 think we already did that change and 794 00:42:06,639 --> 00:42:12,559 then um I move to elect Pam as clerk as 795 00:42:11,159 --> 00:42:15,559 the second 796 00:42:12,559 --> 00:42:15,559 alternate 797 00:42:16,199 --> 00:42:23,239 support all in favor I 798 00:42:19,920 --> 00:42:23,240 I any 799 00:42:24,079 --> 00:42:31,599 oppose all right we do have to um have 800 00:42:27,440 --> 00:42:36,159 to approve it approve you as the um 801 00:42:31,599 --> 00:42:37,960 Emergency Man management beon too okay 802 00:42:36,159 --> 00:42:41,440 so I'll make a motion 803 00:42:37,960 --> 00:42:44,920 to um put Greg KS as Emergency 804 00:42:41,440 --> 00:42:44,920 Management laning a 805 00:42:45,000 --> 00:42:49,760 second all in favor I 806 00:42:50,480 --> 00:42:58,039 I yeah opposed oppos no I was just 807 00:42:54,679 --> 00:43:00,838 thinking of my our first eer we already 808 00:42:58,039 --> 00:43:04,400 had one kind of yeah with the sewer 809 00:43:00,838 --> 00:43:07,440 break y I do have some questions though 810 00:43:04,400 --> 00:43:11,480 in light of the rest of the emergency 811 00:43:07,440 --> 00:43:13,159 response if I may fire wa okay um just 812 00:43:11,480 --> 00:43:15,119 some spelling errors I'll forward those 813 00:43:13,159 --> 00:43:19,639 to you who who should I for with those 814 00:43:15,119 --> 00:43:22,800 two he and I okay um on page 12 at least 815 00:43:19,639 --> 00:43:25,400 out of here under Annex B uh 816 00:43:22,800 --> 00:43:27,359 communication and warning it talks about 817 00:43:25,400 --> 00:43:29,838 active public Warning Systems when 818 00:43:27,358 --> 00:43:32,199 instructed to do so the communication 819 00:43:29,838 --> 00:43:35,078 warning checklist here uh warning 820 00:43:32,199 --> 00:43:37,118 methods should include sirens and Etc 821 00:43:35,079 --> 00:43:42,119 there's a lot of different references to 822 00:43:37,119 --> 00:43:44,680 things that um in this plan that we do 823 00:43:42,119 --> 00:43:47,039 we need to Define more I mean not 824 00:43:44,679 --> 00:43:48,719 necessarily as to approve the plan but 825 00:43:47,039 --> 00:43:51,719 are these things that we should be 826 00:43:48,719 --> 00:43:53,118 defining like how else beside a siren 827 00:43:51,719 --> 00:43:55,039 going off should we be trying to 828 00:43:53,119 --> 00:43:57,599 communicate to our residents or warning 829 00:43:55,039 --> 00:44:00,599 right that kind of stuff so that's one 830 00:43:57,599 --> 00:44:02,318 of the the items as far as that if you 831 00:44:00,599 --> 00:44:06,440 move up to page 832 00:44:02,318 --> 00:44:09,000 16 um I had just a note uh you know 833 00:44:06,440 --> 00:44:12,880 response to hazardous uh material spills 834 00:44:09,000 --> 00:44:14,639 like the one we had on us23 last year uh 835 00:44:12,880 --> 00:44:17,200 is that something that needs to get a 836 00:44:14,639 --> 00:44:19,078 little bit more you know legs under it 837 00:44:17,199 --> 00:44:21,799 as far as emergency response since we 838 00:44:19,079 --> 00:44:23,640 came very close to having a disaster um 839 00:44:21,800 --> 00:44:25,880 and that was basically around down at 840 00:44:23,639 --> 00:44:28,759 the bottom of that assist in warning the 841 00:44:25,880 --> 00:44:31,599 population and uh you know we were part 842 00:44:28,760 --> 00:44:33,440 of it within a half a mile ourselves and 843 00:44:31,599 --> 00:44:35,640 uh it became very obvious that if that 844 00:44:33,440 --> 00:44:37,318 tanker broke broken that may have uh 845 00:44:35,639 --> 00:44:41,440 Been In Harm's Way that we didn't get 846 00:44:37,318 --> 00:44:44,159 any uh warnings so maybe further systems 847 00:44:41,440 --> 00:44:47,318 or further planning should be put in 848 00:44:44,159 --> 00:44:49,799 place for those kinds of things um and 849 00:44:47,318 --> 00:44:53,119 then I had a 850 00:44:49,800 --> 00:44:56,359 question uh can can I stop here so if 851 00:44:53,119 --> 00:44:58,960 you look at these amended um the acts 852 00:44:56,358 --> 00:45:01,558 fire so so responsible agency it's the 853 00:44:58,960 --> 00:45:04,280 fire department so those are that is 854 00:45:01,559 --> 00:45:06,559 their checklist so they would have items 855 00:45:04,280 --> 00:45:08,040 they would have to okay so so when it's 856 00:45:06,559 --> 00:45:10,000 the fire department they have to 857 00:45:08,039 --> 00:45:11,639 communicate we don't play a role in 858 00:45:10,000 --> 00:45:14,039 trying to get the message out from a 859 00:45:11,639 --> 00:45:16,558 Township perspective we and that's what 860 00:45:14,039 --> 00:45:18,558 us three would be utilized to do okay 861 00:45:16,559 --> 00:45:21,119 being I'd be interested in seeing that 862 00:45:18,559 --> 00:45:24,559 more def broadcast typically we call the 863 00:45:21,119 --> 00:45:27,240 radio the TV okay um email blast would 864 00:45:24,559 --> 00:45:30,079 be sent out okay that sort of thing and 865 00:45:27,239 --> 00:45:33,759 then the door to door is um performed by 866 00:45:30,079 --> 00:45:37,280 the police our sherff and state please 867 00:45:33,760 --> 00:45:39,559 y all right and then um of course uh 868 00:45:37,280 --> 00:45:41,720 there's on page 19 under environmental 869 00:45:39,559 --> 00:45:44,040 health functions water sources 870 00:45:41,719 --> 00:45:46,639 coordinating the monitoring of public 871 00:45:44,039 --> 00:45:47,960 and private water sources under appendix 872 00:45:46,639 --> 00:45:50,719 uh or Annex 873 00:45:47,960 --> 00:45:53,358 F do we do that I mean we've got huge 874 00:45:50,719 --> 00:45:55,279 concerns with the solar uh the leeching 875 00:45:53,358 --> 00:45:57,279 of other things and uh that may be 876 00:45:55,280 --> 00:46:00,880 coming to our community but I don't know 877 00:45:57,280 --> 00:46:03,599 that we actively watch water sources as 878 00:46:00,880 --> 00:46:05,200 a Township or is that the responsibility 879 00:46:03,599 --> 00:46:07,200 of the county the county is that the 880 00:46:05,199 --> 00:46:09,679 county who does that do they do that do 881 00:46:07,199 --> 00:46:11,679 we have a schedule when they are testing 882 00:46:09,679 --> 00:46:15,719 water I know they test the water in the 883 00:46:11,679 --> 00:46:17,558 Lakes okay um regularly it's good so I 884 00:46:15,719 --> 00:46:20,279 don't live on a lake so I don't know I 885 00:46:17,559 --> 00:46:22,480 apologize for that and uh they send out 886 00:46:20,280 --> 00:46:24,880 kits for you they have your wells 887 00:46:22,480 --> 00:46:27,079 tested or they I shouldn't say they send 888 00:46:24,880 --> 00:46:29,280 them out they they have them available 889 00:46:27,079 --> 00:46:32,359 you can get them okay actually I think 890 00:46:29,280 --> 00:46:34,319 you can pick them up here y this office 891 00:46:32,358 --> 00:46:38,480 and the last point last question I had 892 00:46:34,318 --> 00:46:40,759 was on page 24 uh under Public Safety 893 00:46:38,480 --> 00:46:43,119 that's very important to our community 894 00:46:40,760 --> 00:46:45,400 uh the enforcement under the responsible 895 00:46:43,119 --> 00:46:48,119 activities who's responsible for Public 896 00:46:45,400 --> 00:46:50,240 Safety is that all of us no Theon County 897 00:46:48,119 --> 00:46:52,800 shff Sheriff okay cuz one of them is 898 00:46:50,239 --> 00:46:54,799 force enforce evacuation orders and 899 00:46:52,800 --> 00:46:56,318 assist in evacuations that would be the 900 00:46:54,800 --> 00:46:58,519 police department that would be the 901 00:46:56,318 --> 00:47:01,960 police department would do that okay and 902 00:46:58,519 --> 00:47:04,079 do they ever test having uh you know a 903 00:47:01,960 --> 00:47:06,119 trial evacuation or anything so 904 00:47:04,079 --> 00:47:09,160 residents would know what to do does 905 00:47:06,119 --> 00:47:10,760 that ever happen we train all the time 906 00:47:09,159 --> 00:47:13,598 no I talk about with the residents you 907 00:47:10,760 --> 00:47:17,240 know not here with we have our and our 908 00:47:13,599 --> 00:47:19,760 plans that will Runo if anything okay 909 00:47:17,239 --> 00:47:19,759 that's all I 910 00:47:20,719 --> 00:47:28,399 had so we have to all right so we need a 911 00:47:25,119 --> 00:47:34,440 motion to uh approve 912 00:47:28,400 --> 00:47:40,079 the emergency plan with changes so moved 913 00:47:34,440 --> 00:47:40,079 support all in favor I I I 914 00:47:40,599 --> 00:47:45,079 oppose all right 915 00:47:47,239 --> 00:47:52,558 carries all right uh item number two the 916 00:47:50,760 --> 00:47:55,520 release of budgeted funds to the 917 00:47:52,559 --> 00:47:59,839 Heartland Senior Center 918 00:47:55,519 --> 00:48:02,838 um I we just kind of learned about 919 00:47:59,838 --> 00:48:05,239 this I have one question sorry something 920 00:48:02,838 --> 00:48:07,759 we've been doing for how many years 921 00:48:05,239 --> 00:48:11,399 several several years it com under 922 00:48:07,760 --> 00:48:13,359 social services and this is where we 923 00:48:11,400 --> 00:48:15,358 provide that service all right yes I 924 00:48:13,358 --> 00:48:19,199 just have one do do we know how many 925 00:48:15,358 --> 00:48:23,558 Tyrone Township residents um participate 926 00:48:19,199 --> 00:48:23,558 in the Heartland Senior Activity 927 00:48:23,960 --> 00:48:29,079 Center I do not I I stepped or I I 928 00:48:26,838 --> 00:48:30,799 called Kim yesterday and she was going 929 00:48:29,079 --> 00:48:32,640 to get me that number she doesn't have 930 00:48:30,800 --> 00:48:35,559 it all 931 00:48:32,639 --> 00:48:38,239 Community um just a little footnote for 932 00:48:35,559 --> 00:48:39,839 everybody um I have a little flyer if 933 00:48:38,239 --> 00:48:44,000 you guys on it 934 00:48:39,838 --> 00:48:46,639 but um so what we're doing giving the 935 00:48:44,000 --> 00:48:49,239 $4,400 for is for transportation and 936 00:48:46,639 --> 00:48:53,480 resource so the transportation is so 937 00:48:49,239 --> 00:48:57,239 everybody who needs a um lift here 938 00:48:53,480 --> 00:48:59,798 locally it's $22 so it helps to pay soon 939 00:48:57,239 --> 00:49:02,919 met cost of the buses probably the 940 00:48:59,798 --> 00:49:03,639 drivers um their bus drivers are Sue and 941 00:49:02,920 --> 00:49:06,599 a 942 00:49:03,639 --> 00:49:09,118 Jr um and $4 if they have to go to 943 00:49:06,599 --> 00:49:11,240 Brighton and Howell areas which are 944 00:49:09,119 --> 00:49:12,920 farther away they only have to pay four 945 00:49:11,239 --> 00:49:16,358 they take patients to like kidney 946 00:49:12,920 --> 00:49:19,000 dialysis adult uh day Services 947 00:49:16,358 --> 00:49:21,440 pharmacies grocery stores to the senior 948 00:49:19,000 --> 00:49:24,318 center Center and then to medical 949 00:49:21,440 --> 00:49:27,440 appointments um it also covers a 950 00:49:24,318 --> 00:49:31,599 resource assistant who giv gives 951 00:49:27,440 --> 00:49:35,480 caregiving caregiver referrals a ARP tax 952 00:49:31,599 --> 00:49:38,680 Aid um Gleaners food assistance Medicaid 953 00:49:35,480 --> 00:49:42,920 Medicare assistance and lowi income 954 00:49:38,679 --> 00:49:46,279 assistance um so I think our $44 is well 955 00:49:42,920 --> 00:49:50,720 spent um it's a great group I know many 956 00:49:46,280 --> 00:49:54,319 seniors 4,400 what did I say 14 44 I'm 957 00:49:50,719 --> 00:49:56,358 sorry 4,400 um we have been doing it for 958 00:49:54,318 --> 00:49:58,558 years and I think it's great I know a 959 00:49:56,358 --> 00:50:00,960 lot of of the members um a lot of our 960 00:49:58,559 --> 00:50:04,079 residents are members they do have to 961 00:50:00,960 --> 00:50:07,519 pay um a yearly fee I believe it's 25 a 962 00:50:04,079 --> 00:50:09,798 person or 40 a couple um so this does 963 00:50:07,519 --> 00:50:11,759 not pay for anybody's memberships this 964 00:50:09,798 --> 00:50:14,639 is solely for those two 965 00:50:11,760 --> 00:50:17,760 items just a subsidy to to them so that 966 00:50:14,639 --> 00:50:20,199 they can make it available yes yep and 967 00:50:17,760 --> 00:50:23,000 there's five local townships that go in 968 00:50:20,199 --> 00:50:23,000 and pay that same 969 00:50:25,079 --> 00:50:29,798 amount any other question 970 00:50:27,159 --> 00:50:33,679 to approve what's that making a motion 971 00:50:29,798 --> 00:50:37,719 to approve supp second support all in 972 00:50:33,679 --> 00:50:37,719 favor I 973 00:50:38,039 --> 00:50:41,318 oppose all 974 00:50:45,280 --> 00:50:51,000 right 975 00:50:47,119 --> 00:50:54,838 uh new business number three Advanced uh 976 00:50:51,000 --> 00:50:57,119 Institute Training for the treasure and 977 00:50:54,838 --> 00:50:59,400 the deputy treasure 978 00:50:57,119 --> 00:51:04,318 I need to strike Deputy Treasurer um she 979 00:50:59,400 --> 00:51:07,639 will not be attending this year um she 980 00:51:04,318 --> 00:51:11,880 has voiced her opinion to me about 981 00:51:07,639 --> 00:51:14,879 wanting to retire in four years so she 982 00:51:11,880 --> 00:51:16,559 doesn't think it's necessary to spend 983 00:51:14,880 --> 00:51:22,440 monies on training and she's not going 984 00:51:16,559 --> 00:51:26,119 to be so um this is um she's too smart 985 00:51:22,440 --> 00:51:28,720 anyway um this is for continuing EDS for 986 00:51:26,119 --> 00:51:31,440 my MI CPT which is Michigan certified 987 00:51:28,719 --> 00:51:35,838 professional treasure um and I believe I 988 00:51:31,440 --> 00:51:38,760 have to have 30 35 credits and these 989 00:51:35,838 --> 00:51:42,039 trainings give you I think it has to be 990 00:51:38,760 --> 00:51:45,799 renewed every 3 years um and these 991 00:51:42,039 --> 00:51:45,798 trainings give you credit to keep that 992 00:51:48,440 --> 00:51:53,760 certification I'll make a motion for the 993 00:51:50,639 --> 00:51:57,480 treasure to attend the event curiosity 994 00:51:53,760 --> 00:51:57,480 the class is 300 995 00:52:01,119 --> 00:52:08,599 79 all right uh we have a motion do we 996 00:52:04,440 --> 00:52:10,358 have any support all in favor 997 00:52:08,599 --> 00:52:12,559 I 998 00:52:10,358 --> 00:52:15,318 oppose all 999 00:52:12,559 --> 00:52:20,200 right item number 1000 00:52:15,318 --> 00:52:23,199 four mamc certification training for the 1001 00:52:20,199 --> 00:52:23,199 clerk 1002 00:52:28,000 --> 00:52:32,440 this would be the beginning of a 1003 00:52:29,679 --> 00:52:35,919 three-year training for me um which 1004 00:52:32,440 --> 00:52:38,480 requires 40 hours per years in a onee 1005 00:52:35,920 --> 00:52:40,920 training after the third year then you 1006 00:52:38,480 --> 00:52:40,920 become 1007 00:52:43,880 --> 00:52:51,880 certified okay what's the cost on that 1008 00:52:48,239 --> 00:52:54,118 $700 for costes twice as much as a 1009 00:52:51,880 --> 00:52:56,920 treasure mine's only three days hers is 1010 00:52:54,119 --> 00:52:59,960 a week oh okay 1011 00:52:56,920 --> 00:53:03,720 getting free day 1012 00:52:59,960 --> 00:53:10,159 yeah I make a motion 1013 00:53:03,719 --> 00:53:16,959 support all right uh all in favor I any 1014 00:53:10,159 --> 00:53:19,279 oppose all right am good luck 1015 00:53:16,960 --> 00:53:23,920 have all 1016 00:53:19,280 --> 00:53:28,440 right uh business item number 1017 00:53:23,920 --> 00:53:28,440 five chloride solution 1018 00:53:29,798 --> 00:53:35,318 so on here it says a a rate quote and 1019 00:53:33,239 --> 00:53:37,959 that and then underneath that it says if 1020 00:53:35,318 --> 00:53:39,759 awarded this bid we typically we don't 1021 00:53:37,960 --> 00:53:43,400 put this out for bid this is who the 1022 00:53:39,760 --> 00:53:45,040 county uses so it's kind of it just goes 1023 00:53:43,400 --> 00:53:47,838 hand inand with the county who the 1024 00:53:45,039 --> 00:53:50,798 county uses that's who we use and this 1025 00:53:47,838 --> 00:53:53,558 is their quote for this 1026 00:53:50,798 --> 00:53:56,759 year do we dictator are involved at all 1027 00:53:53,559 --> 00:53:59,559 with what roads get done or is it all we 1028 00:53:56,760 --> 00:54:01,319 just it's all gravel roads minus the 1029 00:53:59,559 --> 00:54:05,760 private roads the private roads they 1030 00:54:01,318 --> 00:54:05,759 have to do themselves enti Township to 1031 00:54:09,559 --> 00:54:14,920 okay I make a 1032 00:54:12,199 --> 00:54:21,838 motion 1033 00:54:14,920 --> 00:54:26,079 second right all in uh all in favor I I 1034 00:54:21,838 --> 00:54:26,078 oppose all right 1035 00:54:26,519 --> 00:54:29,519 so that motion 1036 00:54:30,239 --> 00:54:38,118 fits all right um let we're on to number 1037 00:54:35,760 --> 00:54:41,559 six which is the 1038 00:54:38,119 --> 00:54:44,559 discussion of the 1039 00:54:41,559 --> 00:54:44,559 letter 1040 00:54:47,480 --> 00:54:57,119 from pronounce your name again C CIO CIO 1041 00:54:52,480 --> 00:54:57,119 CIO Law Firm um 1042 00:54:59,000 --> 00:55:06,519 uh I'd like to ask that uh to have our 1043 00:55:03,880 --> 00:55:08,920 attorney go ahead go through this letter 1044 00:55:06,519 --> 00:55:12,199 and give the supporting documentation he 1045 00:55:08,920 --> 00:55:14,240 used to present the letter at this 1046 00:55:12,199 --> 00:55:16,960 time all 1047 00:55:14,239 --> 00:55:19,679 right um he's going to need can we get 1048 00:55:16,960 --> 00:55:21,679 his laptop hooked up to the 1049 00:55:19,679 --> 00:55:25,078 sure 1050 00:55:21,679 --> 00:55:26,199 krisy where would I do that huh pardon 1051 00:55:25,079 --> 00:55:27,359 where would I do that set that right 1052 00:55:26,199 --> 00:55:29,439 there 1053 00:55:27,358 --> 00:55:30,759 it it'll come up on the big screen yeah 1054 00:55:29,440 --> 00:55:35,639 it'll actually show on both these 1055 00:55:30,760 --> 00:55:38,599 screens I discuss it is we're going to 1056 00:55:35,639 --> 00:55:38,598 be able to talk to 1057 00:55:38,880 --> 00:55:44,280 him I've been wanting to talk to him 1058 00:55:41,559 --> 00:55:46,160 since I received the letter but in the 1059 00:55:44,280 --> 00:55:49,880 interest of 1060 00:55:46,159 --> 00:55:51,920 transparency I waited till I could do it 1061 00:55:49,880 --> 00:55:54,838 publicly right but you didn't tell the 1062 00:55:51,920 --> 00:55:57,039 board and put it on the agenda that way 1063 00:55:54,838 --> 00:55:57,880 agenda what 1064 00:55:57,039 --> 00:56:00,119 all 1065 00:55:57,880 --> 00:56:03,440 right 1066 00:56:00,119 --> 00:56:05,079 you what did you say sir I said but he 1067 00:56:03,440 --> 00:56:08,079 didn't request for it to be on the 1068 00:56:05,079 --> 00:56:10,559 agenda I moved it to the agenda not for 1069 00:56:08,079 --> 00:56:15,079 a presentation from an 1070 00:56:10,559 --> 00:56:15,079 attorney you put it on Thea is a 1071 00:56:15,760 --> 00:56:20,960 discussion discussion of the letter and 1072 00:56:18,039 --> 00:56:23,559 we're asking for discussion I'm asking 1073 00:56:20,960 --> 00:56:27,318 the attorney to give the information he 1074 00:56:23,559 --> 00:56:30,079 used to create the letter 1075 00:56:27,318 --> 00:56:32,318 okay and we can discuss jennif if you 1076 00:56:30,079 --> 00:56:32,318 want 1077 00:56:39,159 --> 00:56:45,719 hand good evening I'm I'm Nick CIO I as 1078 00:56:43,639 --> 00:56:48,719 been been discussed I represent U Mr 1079 00:56:45,719 --> 00:56:52,838 opeda and Mr hos just a few things um at 1080 00:56:48,719 --> 00:56:54,279 the outset before I get started um as I 1081 00:56:52,838 --> 00:56:56,920 as I mentioned I've been personally 1082 00:56:54,280 --> 00:56:59,280 retained by Mr opeda and Mr hos no 1083 00:56:56,920 --> 00:57:03,680 Township money has been used in any way 1084 00:56:59,280 --> 00:57:06,359 to fund my services and Mr the letters 1085 00:57:03,679 --> 00:57:09,879 that will be discussing also involve um 1086 00:57:06,358 --> 00:57:14,000 Mr KS I don't personally represent Mr KS 1087 00:57:09,880 --> 00:57:17,358 um I do believe that the the resolution 1088 00:57:14,000 --> 00:57:20,838 to censure um Mr K should be revoked as 1089 00:57:17,358 --> 00:57:23,159 well for the similar reasons uh to those 1090 00:57:20,838 --> 00:57:25,159 as affect my clients their conduct does 1091 00:57:23,159 --> 00:57:28,199 differ differ slightly as I'll discuss 1092 00:57:25,159 --> 00:57:30,358 in this presentation But ultimately um 1093 00:57:28,199 --> 00:57:33,279 believe that the centure resolution was 1094 00:57:30,358 --> 00:57:36,480 inappropriate as to all three members um 1095 00:57:33,280 --> 00:57:38,760 another uh point of clarification it was 1096 00:57:36,480 --> 00:57:40,358 I guess alleged during public comment 1097 00:57:38,760 --> 00:57:43,640 that there's a lawsuit pending against 1098 00:57:40,358 --> 00:57:45,199 the township that is not true um my 1099 00:57:43,639 --> 00:57:47,440 representation at this point has just 1100 00:57:45,199 --> 00:57:50,679 been to advise them regarding the 1101 00:57:47,440 --> 00:57:53,400 centure resolution and the um pending 1102 00:57:50,679 --> 00:57:55,719 consideration of Mr reta's removal from 1103 00:57:53,400 --> 00:57:59,119 the Planning Commission and to uh 1104 00:57:55,719 --> 00:58:02,358 present their um position to this board 1105 00:57:59,119 --> 00:58:05,680 no there's no lawsuit um against the 1106 00:58:02,358 --> 00:58:07,880 township moving to the next slide just 1107 00:58:05,679 --> 00:58:11,480 want to kind of briefly lay out the 1108 00:58:07,880 --> 00:58:13,680 facts as as we see them um the 1109 00:58:11,480 --> 00:58:15,440 involvement of of my clients and this 1110 00:58:13,679 --> 00:58:17,558 letter that was sent to planning 1111 00:58:15,440 --> 00:58:18,838 Commissioners was was rather limited 1112 00:58:17,559 --> 00:58:20,519 they assisted in reviewing meeting 1113 00:58:18,838 --> 00:58:22,639 minutes to determine 1114 00:58:20,519 --> 00:58:26,159 attendance um they reported their 1115 00:58:22,639 --> 00:58:27,798 findings to Mr K Mr opeda provided an 1116 00:58:26,159 --> 00:58:30,639 initial draft of the language to that 1117 00:58:27,798 --> 00:58:32,559 letter but neither Mr hos nor Mr opeda 1118 00:58:30,639 --> 00:58:35,519 signed the final version of the letter 1119 00:58:32,559 --> 00:58:35,519 that was sent to planning 1120 00:58:35,838 --> 00:58:41,199 Commissioners here's the full text of Mr 1121 00:58:38,239 --> 00:58:44,558 opa's draft letter um this was included 1122 00:58:41,199 --> 00:58:46,759 in the disclosed materials uh to a foyer 1123 00:58:44,559 --> 00:58:50,480 request that I believe the members of 1124 00:58:46,760 --> 00:58:52,240 this board are are familiar with um it 1125 00:58:50,480 --> 00:58:54,000 as show on the next slide it differs 1126 00:58:52,239 --> 00:58:55,159 from the final version of the letter 1127 00:58:54,000 --> 00:58:58,039 this is the final version of the letter 1128 00:58:55,159 --> 00:58:58,038 that went out to planning 1129 00:58:59,318 --> 00:59:04,798 Commissioners the repeta draft differs 1130 00:59:01,639 --> 00:59:06,159 in in kind of two key ways uh first it 1131 00:59:04,798 --> 00:59:08,199 does not include the language the 1132 00:59:06,159 --> 00:59:10,239 Township Board is charging you my 1133 00:59:08,199 --> 00:59:12,199 understanding um from conversation with 1134 00:59:10,239 --> 00:59:13,959 the township attorney is that this is 1135 00:59:12,199 --> 00:59:15,439 this is the language that was really the 1136 00:59:13,960 --> 00:59:16,760 basis for the centure resolution 1137 00:59:15,440 --> 00:59:19,200 although the Cure resolution doesn't 1138 00:59:16,760 --> 00:59:21,960 state that um that language is not 1139 00:59:19,199 --> 00:59:24,480 included in in the draft that Mr Reda 1140 00:59:21,960 --> 00:59:26,199 prepared it also doesn't State a 1141 00:59:24,480 --> 00:59:28,880 specific date on which the public hear 1142 00:59:26,199 --> 00:59:31,960 in is set to occur and the relevance of 1143 00:59:28,880 --> 00:59:35,039 that I I'll discuss later on um but the 1144 00:59:31,960 --> 00:59:36,920 way the reped letter was worded it left 1145 00:59:35,039 --> 00:59:38,599 an opportunity for the Township Board to 1146 00:59:36,920 --> 00:59:41,639 as a whole to set the date of the 1147 00:59:38,599 --> 00:59:43,599 hearing you know if and when the hearing 1148 00:59:41,639 --> 00:59:46,838 ultimately 1149 00:59:43,599 --> 00:59:52,760 occurred so my clients essentially have 1150 00:59:46,838 --> 00:59:55,038 three um problems or three um objections 1151 00:59:52,760 --> 00:59:56,799 to the to the centure as it was 1152 00:59:55,039 --> 00:59:59,359 performed by this board the first was 1153 00:59:56,798 --> 01:00:02,519 with the process that was 1154 00:59:59,358 --> 01:00:04,119 used the resolution was drafted and and 1155 01:00:02,519 --> 01:00:06,318 and discussed publicly discussed with 1156 01:00:04,119 --> 01:00:09,240 media Aly even by at least one board 1157 01:00:06,318 --> 01:00:12,519 member before any opportunity for a 1158 01:00:09,239 --> 01:00:15,318 response um or or any notice of the 1159 01:00:12,519 --> 01:00:17,239 allegations given to them personally so 1160 01:00:15,318 --> 01:00:18,639 that their feeling is that they were 1161 01:00:17,239 --> 01:00:21,558 essentially convicted before they were 1162 01:00:18,639 --> 01:00:23,719 even presented with charges um and and 1163 01:00:21,559 --> 01:00:26,319 given the opportunity to defend against 1164 01:00:23,719 --> 01:00:28,519 the allegations the second objection is 1165 01:00:26,318 --> 01:00:29,880 that the township attorney as I 1166 01:00:28,519 --> 01:00:31,559 understand it assists in drafting the 1167 01:00:29,880 --> 01:00:34,200 resolution based on a request from a 1168 01:00:31,559 --> 01:00:36,119 single trustee as opposed to request of 1169 01:00:34,199 --> 01:00:38,960 a trustee as a whole that this is 1170 01:00:36,119 --> 01:00:41,280 contrary to um long-standing practice 1171 01:00:38,960 --> 01:00:43,639 that attorney engagement come from the 1172 01:00:41,280 --> 01:00:47,160 board or at least from the supervisor 1173 01:00:43,639 --> 01:00:47,159 and not from Individual uh 1174 01:00:48,000 --> 01:00:53,159 trustees um the next couple slides are 1175 01:00:51,079 --> 01:00:55,559 going to go through some of the 1176 01:00:53,159 --> 01:00:58,679 allegations in the resolution kind of 1177 01:00:55,559 --> 01:01:01,200 line by line uh this I believe is the 1178 01:00:58,679 --> 01:01:04,879 opening allegation in the resolution 1179 01:01:01,199 --> 01:01:06,919 it's that the um Mr opeda and Mr hos I 1180 01:01:04,880 --> 01:01:09,000 believe Mr K's resolution St States the 1181 01:01:06,920 --> 01:01:11,760 same that they violated Township 1182 01:01:09,000 --> 01:01:13,880 standards and ethical guidelines doesn't 1183 01:01:11,760 --> 01:01:15,680 specify what standards and ethical 1184 01:01:13,880 --> 01:01:19,160 guidelines this is referring 1185 01:01:15,679 --> 01:01:20,798 to after the resolution was adopted um 1186 01:01:19,159 --> 01:01:23,279 the Township Clerk was asked to provide 1187 01:01:20,798 --> 01:01:25,280 a copy of those standards and guidelines 1188 01:01:23,280 --> 01:01:27,839 and provided a copy of the state ethics 1189 01:01:25,280 --> 01:01:30,200 Act by its plain term the standards in 1190 01:01:27,838 --> 01:01:33,199 in this in the state ethics Act only 1191 01:01:30,199 --> 01:01:35,199 apply to um persons appointed by the 1192 01:01:33,199 --> 01:01:37,519 governor and or another executive 1193 01:01:35,199 --> 01:01:40,480 department or official not to Township 1194 01:01:37,519 --> 01:01:42,480 officers there's a part of the act that 1195 01:01:40,480 --> 01:01:43,798 does apply to Township officers that 1196 01:01:42,480 --> 01:01:46,639 that part of the Act only provides 1197 01:01:43,798 --> 01:01:48,358 whistleblower protections there had a 1198 01:01:46,639 --> 01:01:50,558 prior attorney general interpreted the 1199 01:01:48,358 --> 01:01:53,159 entire act to apply to to local 1200 01:01:50,559 --> 01:01:56,039 officials but those 1201 01:01:53,159 --> 01:01:57,440 um that position is not binding on court 1202 01:01:56,039 --> 01:01:58,720 it's not binding on the township and 1203 01:01:57,440 --> 01:02:00,880 it's plainly inconsistent with the 1204 01:01:58,719 --> 01:02:02,239 wording of the act so our our position 1205 01:02:00,880 --> 01:02:04,640 is that this act doesn't even apply to 1206 01:02:02,239 --> 01:02:07,759 the township and unless the township has 1207 01:02:04,639 --> 01:02:09,920 other adopted standards um that that 1208 01:02:07,760 --> 01:02:12,920 govern this alleged conduct there's just 1209 01:02:09,920 --> 01:02:15,079 simply nothing that that this violated 1210 01:02:12,920 --> 01:02:17,480 um on the Township's 1211 01:02:15,079 --> 01:02:21,278 books secondly even assuming that the 1212 01:02:17,480 --> 01:02:23,240 ACT did apply uh to Township officers 1213 01:02:21,278 --> 01:02:25,559 the alleged conduct doesn't violate the 1214 01:02:23,239 --> 01:02:28,278 act as stated the most relevant part of 1215 01:02:25,559 --> 01:02:30,440 the ACT that I could I could find and it 1216 01:02:28,278 --> 01:02:32,278 states a public officer or employee 1217 01:02:30,440 --> 01:02:35,318 shall not represent his or her personal 1218 01:02:32,278 --> 01:02:37,719 opinion as that of an agency even if the 1219 01:02:35,318 --> 01:02:40,038 ACT applied there's no violation here 1220 01:02:37,719 --> 01:02:42,358 because the the draft language as 1221 01:02:40,039 --> 01:02:46,079 proposed by Mr aeta solely stated the 1222 01:02:42,358 --> 01:02:47,798 facts of of of non-attendance or of of 1223 01:02:46,079 --> 01:02:50,720 um absences by Planning Commission 1224 01:02:47,798 --> 01:02:52,599 members and just an aside there was some 1225 01:02:50,719 --> 01:02:54,919 discussion of this during the opening 1226 01:02:52,599 --> 01:02:57,440 public comment but that does potentially 1227 01:02:54,920 --> 01:03:00,000 constitute non-feed and and grounds for 1228 01:02:57,440 --> 01:03:01,159 removal from from office if a Planning 1229 01:03:00,000 --> 01:03:04,039 Commission plan Commissioners have a 1230 01:03:01,159 --> 01:03:07,239 duty to attend meetings and have a duty 1231 01:03:04,039 --> 01:03:08,960 to um exercise their office which 1232 01:03:07,239 --> 01:03:10,399 requires taking votes on the issues put 1233 01:03:08,960 --> 01:03:12,358 before the Planning Commission if 1234 01:03:10,400 --> 01:03:15,318 they're missing meetings without um 1235 01:03:12,358 --> 01:03:19,078 without calls that's the definition of 1236 01:03:15,318 --> 01:03:20,358 of um nonfeasance in off office and is a 1237 01:03:19,079 --> 01:03:23,480 potential ground for 1238 01:03:20,358 --> 01:03:26,078 removal continuing on Mr opeda and Mr 1239 01:03:23,480 --> 01:03:28,278 hos didn't sign the final version of as 1240 01:03:26,079 --> 01:03:29,559 previously indicated and even the final 1241 01:03:28,278 --> 01:03:32,199 version of the letter doesn't State 1242 01:03:29,559 --> 01:03:34,359 personal opinions which is What's um 1243 01:03:32,199 --> 01:03:36,078 what's what's prohibited by the act it 1244 01:03:34,358 --> 01:03:39,159 announces charges and initiates 1245 01:03:36,079 --> 01:03:40,839 proceedings and then um finally Mr opeda 1246 01:03:39,159 --> 01:03:43,399 and Mr hos had a reasonable belief that 1247 01:03:40,838 --> 01:03:45,519 supervisor KS had the authority to to 1248 01:03:43,400 --> 01:03:47,240 initiate proceedings this is explained 1249 01:03:45,519 --> 01:03:50,119 in detail in the letter that I submitted 1250 01:03:47,239 --> 01:03:53,439 to the uh Township board but the 1251 01:03:50,119 --> 01:03:54,880 planning enabling act itself states that 1252 01:03:53,440 --> 01:03:57,159 uh Commissioners can be removed from 1253 01:03:54,880 --> 01:03:59,559 Miss Fant mouth feasance and 1254 01:03:57,159 --> 01:04:01,920 nonfeasance based on charges and and 1255 01:03:59,559 --> 01:04:05,039 notice of a hearing but it doesn't say 1256 01:04:01,920 --> 01:04:06,960 who has the authority to do that um but 1257 01:04:05,039 --> 01:04:08,839 that there's another act that governs 1258 01:04:06,960 --> 01:04:11,000 General all Town townships that says 1259 01:04:08,838 --> 01:04:13,239 that the supervisor acts as a legal 1260 01:04:11,000 --> 01:04:15,039 agent for the township reading those two 1261 01:04:13,239 --> 01:04:16,558 statutes together I think there's 1262 01:04:15,039 --> 01:04:18,440 there's at least a strong argument that 1263 01:04:16,559 --> 01:04:21,079 that the township supervisor does have 1264 01:04:18,440 --> 01:04:23,200 the authority to do that and that's 1265 01:04:21,079 --> 01:04:25,839 that's the belief that Mr hos and Mr 1266 01:04:23,199 --> 01:04:28,078 opeta had uh when they when they started 1267 01:04:25,838 --> 01:04:28,078 this 1268 01:04:28,760 --> 01:04:32,079 process moving on to the second 1269 01:04:30,798 --> 01:04:37,079 unsupported 1270 01:04:32,079 --> 01:04:39,000 allegation um the the uh the resolution 1271 01:04:37,079 --> 01:04:40,680 accuses them of intentionally trying to 1272 01:04:39,000 --> 01:04:42,239 intimidate planning Commissioners and to 1273 01:04:40,679 --> 01:04:44,960 try to encourage planning Commissioners 1274 01:04:42,239 --> 01:04:46,919 to resign there's no evidence of this 1275 01:04:44,960 --> 01:04:49,000 whatsoever correspondence that was 1276 01:04:46,920 --> 01:04:50,519 disclosed in response to the Foya shows 1277 01:04:49,000 --> 01:04:52,358 that their sole intent was to conduct 1278 01:04:50,519 --> 01:04:54,960 removal hearings pursuant to the 1279 01:04:52,358 --> 01:04:58,679 Michigan planning enabling act there's 1280 01:04:54,960 --> 01:04:58,679 no proof of intentional um 1281 01:04:59,920 --> 01:05:05,240 intimidation mve to the third 1282 01:05:02,480 --> 01:05:07,880 allegation there's an unsubstantiated 1283 01:05:05,239 --> 01:05:11,318 allegation of violations of the open 1284 01:05:07,880 --> 01:05:13,960 meetings act again the open meetings act 1285 01:05:11,318 --> 01:05:15,920 permits sub Quorum discussions this is 1286 01:05:13,960 --> 01:05:17,960 laid out in in the letter that sent a 1287 01:05:15,920 --> 01:05:20,039 few weeks ago there's no evidence of 1288 01:05:17,960 --> 01:05:22,559 discussion among more than the Quorum of 1289 01:05:20,039 --> 01:05:24,799 members and even even if there were 1290 01:05:22,559 --> 01:05:26,440 discussions that are included in that 1291 01:05:24,798 --> 01:05:28,480 correspondence don't constitute 1292 01:05:26,440 --> 01:05:31,760 deliberation toward a decision of of the 1293 01:05:28,480 --> 01:05:35,400 Township Board the Mr opeta and Mr hos 1294 01:05:31,760 --> 01:05:37,799 and Mr KS were discussing whether Mr K 1295 01:05:35,400 --> 01:05:39,760 should should bring charges under the 1296 01:05:37,798 --> 01:05:41,358 mpa again they thought that was 1297 01:05:39,760 --> 01:05:44,440 something that he could unilaterally do 1298 01:05:41,358 --> 01:05:46,318 as Township supervisor and there there's 1299 01:05:44,440 --> 01:05:48,838 just not it doesn't count as 1300 01:05:46,318 --> 01:05:51,318 deliberation towards a Township Board 1301 01:05:48,838 --> 01:05:53,239 decision when Mr K was ultimately the 1302 01:05:51,318 --> 01:05:55,960 the person who who was acting by sending 1303 01:05:53,239 --> 01:05:57,919 the letter finally 1304 01:05:55,960 --> 01:06:00,318 with there's there's no violation 1305 01:05:57,920 --> 01:06:02,119 there's no evidence of a of ma violation 1306 01:06:00,318 --> 01:06:04,119 in this circumstance there are there's 1307 01:06:02,119 --> 01:06:05,838 documented evidence of repeated 1308 01:06:04,119 --> 01:06:09,440 violations by other members of this 1309 01:06:05,838 --> 01:06:11,639 board by voting to go into Clos session 1310 01:06:09,440 --> 01:06:13,318 um under subsection e of the Act without 1311 01:06:11,639 --> 01:06:14,519 stating the name of the lawsuit I 1312 01:06:13,318 --> 01:06:16,838 understand this has been discussed at 1313 01:06:14,519 --> 01:06:18,759 some past meetings um and that the 1314 01:06:16,838 --> 01:06:21,199 practice has now been corrected but for 1315 01:06:18,760 --> 01:06:24,680 a period of years this this board has 1316 01:06:21,199 --> 01:06:26,399 been doing that um in in kind of clear 1317 01:06:24,679 --> 01:06:30,639 violation of the 1318 01:06:26,400 --> 01:06:30,639 language as interpreted by the court of 1319 01:06:32,960 --> 01:06:38,559 appeals as to the fourth um 1320 01:06:36,679 --> 01:06:41,798 allegation talks about there being 1321 01:06:38,559 --> 01:06:43,839 insufficient time for notice of a public 1322 01:06:41,798 --> 01:06:45,519 hearing my understanding is the letter 1323 01:06:43,838 --> 01:06:48,318 was sent in mid December and set a 1324 01:06:45,519 --> 01:06:52,278 hearing date of December 1325 01:06:48,318 --> 01:06:54,960 17 the the mission planning enabling act 1326 01:06:52,278 --> 01:06:57,400 doesn't require publication of notice of 1327 01:06:54,960 --> 01:07:01,358 of hearings so there's no violation 1328 01:06:57,400 --> 01:07:05,079 there um and even if there were Mr H and 1329 01:07:01,358 --> 01:07:06,400 Mr retta's draft of the letter didn't 1330 01:07:05,079 --> 01:07:08,318 include any hearing date just said a 1331 01:07:06,400 --> 01:07:10,318 hearing would be set at a at a future 1332 01:07:08,318 --> 01:07:12,159 time so that certain certainly couldn't 1333 01:07:10,318 --> 01:07:13,639 be a basis to censor them because they 1334 01:07:12,159 --> 01:07:18,038 weren't even involved in setting the 1335 01:07:13,639 --> 01:07:21,118 hearing date um and in any event there 1336 01:07:18,039 --> 01:07:25,760 no public no publication was required so 1337 01:07:21,119 --> 01:07:25,760 this reason is um unsupported 1338 01:07:26,000 --> 01:07:29,000 finally 1339 01:07:29,318 --> 01:07:34,599 um my client's basic position is that 1340 01:07:33,000 --> 01:07:36,400 that their conduct just doesn't rise to 1341 01:07:34,599 --> 01:07:37,920 the level of censor censor is an 1342 01:07:36,400 --> 01:07:40,440 extraordinary measure that that should 1343 01:07:37,920 --> 01:07:42,079 be reserved for serious misconduct even 1344 01:07:40,440 --> 01:07:44,039 if they were mistaken in their belief 1345 01:07:42,079 --> 01:07:46,278 that supervisor KS could initiate 1346 01:07:44,039 --> 01:07:50,079 removal proceedings on his own it's a 1347 01:07:46,278 --> 01:07:51,960 good faith um belief and it that doesn't 1348 01:07:50,079 --> 01:07:53,920 warrant censur they were simply trying 1349 01:07:51,960 --> 01:07:56,159 to exercise appropriate oversight over 1350 01:07:53,920 --> 01:07:59,318 the Planning Commission which is one of 1351 01:07:56,159 --> 01:08:01,278 the responsibilities of this board um as 1352 01:07:59,318 --> 01:08:03,798 Trustees for the township they believe 1353 01:08:01,278 --> 01:08:06,400 that censoring conduct this this Miner 1354 01:08:03,798 --> 01:08:08,639 or based on good fa faith belief could 1355 01:08:06,400 --> 01:08:10,838 CH legitimate oversight activity and 1356 01:08:08,639 --> 01:08:13,798 even dissuade people from running from 1357 01:08:10,838 --> 01:08:15,960 office in future and for that 1358 01:08:13,798 --> 01:08:18,238 reason we'd like to ask the board to 1359 01:08:15,960 --> 01:08:20,158 formally resend um all three of the 1360 01:08:18,238 --> 01:08:22,439 cental resolutions that were adopted in 1361 01:08:20,158 --> 01:08:25,039 January pursuant to the process provided 1362 01:08:22,439 --> 01:08:27,198 in Robert rules notice of this of making 1363 01:08:25,039 --> 01:08:29,759 this request was given in in at the 1364 01:08:27,198 --> 01:08:32,079 January meeting where this was first 1365 01:08:29,759 --> 01:08:34,000 discussed um so under Robert's Rules it 1366 01:08:32,079 --> 01:08:37,039 would require a majority vote of the 1367 01:08:34,000 --> 01:08:39,279 board to resend the resolutions and I'm 1368 01:08:37,039 --> 01:08:42,600 happy to answer any questions that's 1369 01:08:39,279 --> 01:08:42,600 that's the extent of my 1370 01:08:46,880 --> 01:08:55,440 presentation I turned my 1371 01:08:49,640 --> 01:08:58,279 seat thank you so you are uh you are the 1372 01:08:55,439 --> 01:09:01,119 attorney for how many townships I'm the 1373 01:08:58,279 --> 01:09:03,159 attorney for general counsel for one 1374 01:09:01,119 --> 01:09:06,000 Township I represent several others as 1375 01:09:03,158 --> 01:09:09,798 special Council and I 1376 01:09:06,000 --> 01:09:12,158 represent three villages and two cities 1377 01:09:09,798 --> 01:09:15,278 as general Council and I Ser a special 1378 01:09:12,158 --> 01:09:15,278 counsel for a number of them as 1379 01:09:18,399 --> 01:09:26,759 well and you come 1380 01:09:22,198 --> 01:09:29,278 uh uh highly recommended by your peers 1381 01:09:26,759 --> 01:09:33,039 as one of the more knowledgeable 1382 01:09:29,279 --> 01:09:35,359 attorneys in Township law would you um I 1383 01:09:33,039 --> 01:09:38,920 serve on the Michigan Municipal League 1384 01:09:35,359 --> 01:09:40,960 um legal defense fund board I I'm most 1385 01:09:38,920 --> 01:09:44,158 of my practice is representing 1386 01:09:40,960 --> 01:09:46,920 municipalities um that I believe I have 1387 01:09:44,158 --> 01:09:46,920 expertise in this 1388 01:09:47,439 --> 01:09:51,198 area all right 1389 01:09:52,359 --> 01:09:57,120 I I don't have any questions 1390 01:09:57,359 --> 01:10:01,719 you guys have any 1391 01:09:58,719 --> 01:10:01,719 questions 1392 01:10:02,760 --> 01:10:07,280 no thank you thank 1393 01:10:10,920 --> 01:10:18,119 you is there any other discussion gr 1394 01:10:14,319 --> 01:10:22,039 well I would just like to comment um 1395 01:10:18,119 --> 01:10:25,920 obviously I've been thinking about this 1396 01:10:22,039 --> 01:10:27,640 for several weeks now 1397 01:10:25,920 --> 01:10:32,399 and 1398 01:10:27,640 --> 01:10:36,600 uh I like uh Dean and Chris I I I like 1399 01:10:32,399 --> 01:10:36,599 you I'm a little disappointed 1400 01:10:37,000 --> 01:10:43,760 that our colleagues uh here seem to have 1401 01:10:40,319 --> 01:10:46,840 let mob rule make a decision for them 1402 01:10:43,760 --> 01:10:49,039 they uh they listen to these planning 1403 01:10:46,840 --> 01:10:51,480 Commissioners verbal opinion and they 1404 01:10:49,039 --> 01:10:53,960 listen to former supervisor they listen 1405 01:10:51,479 --> 01:10:56,718 to supporters of the 1406 01:10:53,960 --> 01:10:58,079 supervisor they listen to Residents 1407 01:10:56,719 --> 01:11:00,600 isn't that what we're supposed to do 1408 01:10:58,079 --> 01:11:02,399 yeah yeah you listen to their opinion 1409 01:11:00,600 --> 01:11:04,719 you listen to their opinion they make 1410 01:11:02,399 --> 01:11:07,279 decisions on fact you you listen to 1411 01:11:04,719 --> 01:11:12,319 their opinion and you made a 1412 01:11:07,279 --> 01:11:14,599 decision let me finish let me 1413 01:11:12,319 --> 01:11:17,238 finish and don't tell me you didn't 1414 01:11:14,600 --> 01:11:21,600 because four two of the four of you come 1415 01:11:17,238 --> 01:11:24,639 up to me and you said Greg we really we 1416 01:11:21,600 --> 01:11:27,239 really did not want to do this but we 1417 01:11:24,640 --> 01:11:27,239 had to 1418 01:11:28,560 --> 01:11:32,960 what does that 1419 01:11:30,560 --> 01:11:34,840 mean you didn't want to do it to me but 1420 01:11:32,960 --> 01:11:38,480 you had 1421 01:11:34,840 --> 01:11:40,639 to I don't I don't get it I don't get it 1422 01:11:38,479 --> 01:11:43,559 so Greg I 1423 01:11:40,639 --> 01:11:45,800 um I'm so utterly 1424 01:11:43,560 --> 01:11:48,600 confused I 1425 01:11:45,800 --> 01:11:52,400 because I've heard you 1426 01:11:48,600 --> 01:11:54,520 quiet thank you I've heard you 1427 01:11:52,399 --> 01:11:55,799 say that you made a mistake you 1428 01:11:54,520 --> 01:11:57,760 shouldn't have done it I've heard you 1429 01:11:55,800 --> 01:12:00,320 say you'd accept the censures I've heard 1430 01:11:57,760 --> 01:12:02,280 you say that you made a mistake and you 1431 01:12:00,319 --> 01:12:04,719 were sorry and that you're accountable 1432 01:12:02,279 --> 01:12:07,880 and now you're saying something that is 1433 01:12:04,719 --> 01:12:12,039 in complete contradiction to all of that 1434 01:12:07,880 --> 01:12:14,520 I will accept my censor I will I have 1435 01:12:12,039 --> 01:12:17,760 and I I haven't finished 1436 01:12:14,520 --> 01:12:21,040 here I'm talking about these two 1437 01:12:17,760 --> 01:12:22,920 guys these two guys I do the same thing 1438 01:12:21,039 --> 01:12:25,880 that I did with them I do the same thing 1439 01:12:22,920 --> 01:12:29,199 with Pam and Jennifer 1440 01:12:25,880 --> 01:12:32,279 and prior to us getting elected I did it 1441 01:12:29,198 --> 01:12:34,559 with you and her we had 1442 01:12:32,279 --> 01:12:37,198 discussions 1443 01:12:34,560 --> 01:12:40,280 letter I said I apologize for that 1444 01:12:37,198 --> 01:12:40,279 letter thank 1445 01:12:42,960 --> 01:12:49,760 you and I'm not saying to take away my 1446 01:12:46,039 --> 01:12:49,760 censor I'm fine with 1447 01:12:49,800 --> 01:12:55,960 it I'm fine with it I don't think these 1448 01:12:53,000 --> 01:12:58,198 guys need to be censored so 1449 01:12:55,960 --> 01:13:02,079 sorry I 1450 01:12:58,198 --> 01:13:05,000 talk so where did the language come from 1451 01:13:02,079 --> 01:13:07,600 that specifically says the Township 1452 01:13:05,000 --> 01:13:11,760 Board is charging them with nonfeasance 1453 01:13:07,600 --> 01:13:14,600 because for me that language and that's 1454 01:13:11,760 --> 01:13:16,760 where I was important in 1455 01:13:14,600 --> 01:13:19,560 misrepresentation of the board and it 1456 01:13:16,760 --> 01:13:22,119 Authority I should have said the 1457 01:13:19,560 --> 01:13:24,000 supervisor charges you with where did 1458 01:13:22,119 --> 01:13:26,679 the language come from because I know 1459 01:13:24,000 --> 01:13:29,639 what you've told me in conversation and 1460 01:13:26,679 --> 01:13:32,639 it didn't come from you where did that 1461 01:13:29,639 --> 01:13:32,639 sentence come 1462 01:13:33,079 --> 01:13:41,439 from I'm still not Greg you understand 1463 01:13:36,639 --> 01:13:43,800 my question who wrote the sentence the 1464 01:13:41,439 --> 01:13:45,599 Township Board is charging the Planning 1465 01:13:43,800 --> 01:13:48,760 Commission with 1466 01:13:45,600 --> 01:13:50,159 nonfeasance I did that is not what you 1467 01:13:48,760 --> 01:13:52,639 have said 1468 01:13:50,158 --> 01:13:55,920 previously I wrote that that's not what 1469 01:13:52,639 --> 01:13:58,199 you said and if you remember I remember 1470 01:13:55,920 --> 01:13:58,199 very 1471 01:13:59,198 --> 01:14:04,238 clearly I'd like to say 1472 01:14:01,639 --> 01:14:07,520 something kind of boils down to one 1473 01:14:04,238 --> 01:14:09,718 thing on December 3rd before the letter 1474 01:14:07,520 --> 01:14:12,280 was sent out on the 10th I ask our 1475 01:14:09,719 --> 01:14:14,520 attorney do we as a board have any 1476 01:14:12,279 --> 01:14:16,960 control over the Planning Commission and 1477 01:14:14,520 --> 01:14:20,679 I will ask you that again tonight 1478 01:14:16,960 --> 01:14:22,880 Chuck as a board do we have any control 1479 01:14:20,679 --> 01:14:25,199 or any jurisdiction or anything over the 1480 01:14:22,880 --> 01:14:28,639 Planning Commission you don't have 1481 01:14:25,198 --> 01:14:31,039 General control over that the only could 1482 01:14:28,639 --> 01:14:32,440 you talk in the mic yep you don't have 1483 01:14:31,039 --> 01:14:34,479 General control over the Planning 1484 01:14:32,439 --> 01:14:37,879 Commission it's a separate entity 1485 01:14:34,479 --> 01:14:40,039 created by law just like the PC has no 1486 01:14:37,880 --> 01:14:42,600 control over the Township Board of 1487 01:14:40,039 --> 01:14:45,000 Trustees the only role that the Board of 1488 01:14:42,600 --> 01:14:48,639 Trustees has is when there's a vacancy 1489 01:14:45,000 --> 01:14:50,800 it fills that vacancy and as we all know 1490 01:14:48,639 --> 01:14:52,719 if there is a charge of malfeasance 1491 01:14:50,800 --> 01:14:54,840 misfeasance or nonfeasance it has the 1492 01:14:52,719 --> 01:14:56,960 right to remove a member other than that 1493 01:14:54,840 --> 01:14:57,800 the the Township board has no control 1494 01:14:56,960 --> 01:15:00,600 over 1495 01:14:57,800 --> 01:15:02,679 them and also is there anything in our 1496 01:15:00,600 --> 01:15:04,679 ordinance that states that they have to 1497 01:15:02,679 --> 01:15:06,480 attend a certain amount of 1498 01:15:04,679 --> 01:15:08,119 meetings there's nothing in the 1499 01:15:06,479 --> 01:15:09,799 ordinance and as I recall there's 1500 01:15:08,119 --> 01:15:12,479 nothing in the bylaws that address that 1501 01:15:09,800 --> 01:15:15,000 either and I'm talking about the PC 1502 01:15:12,479 --> 01:15:16,678 bylaws so I have a business and every 1503 01:15:15,000 --> 01:15:18,399 person that comes to me they know the 1504 01:15:16,679 --> 01:15:20,399 hours they're working the things they're 1505 01:15:18,399 --> 01:15:22,279 doing and if they don't show up then 1506 01:15:20,399 --> 01:15:24,079 they know that but here there is nothing 1507 01:15:22,279 --> 01:15:25,479 with the Planning Commission that states 1508 01:15:24,079 --> 01:15:27,559 that they have to attend a certain 1509 01:15:25,479 --> 01:15:29,718 amount even if I didn't like their 1510 01:15:27,560 --> 01:15:32,000 attendance I couldn't remove them even 1511 01:15:29,719 --> 01:15:35,198 if I wanted to is that correct I would 1512 01:15:32,000 --> 01:15:35,198 agree thank 1513 01:15:40,560 --> 01:15:45,080 you and those conversations were made 1514 01:15:43,158 --> 01:15:46,319 before this letter was put out yes one 1515 01:15:45,079 --> 01:15:48,960 week 1516 01:15:46,319 --> 01:15:51,119 before one week before and they went 1517 01:15:48,960 --> 01:15:55,359 ahead and did it anyhow and Chris even 1518 01:15:51,119 --> 01:15:57,319 stated Define control 1519 01:15:55,359 --> 01:15:59,399 that was at a board meeting yes well 1520 01:15:57,319 --> 01:16:02,840 there are certain elements of control 1521 01:15:59,399 --> 01:16:06,439 when you have the ability when you could 1522 01:16:02,840 --> 01:16:08,480 you you hey hey hey hey hey 1523 01:16:06,439 --> 01:16:12,439 hey none of 1524 01:16:08,479 --> 01:16:15,718 that go ahead to be able to charge a 1525 01:16:12,439 --> 01:16:18,879 planning commissioner with 1526 01:16:15,719 --> 01:16:22,920 misfeasance malfeasance or 1527 01:16:18,880 --> 01:16:24,639 nonfeasance is a measure of control yes 1528 01:16:22,920 --> 01:16:27,560 who has the measure who has the control 1529 01:16:24,639 --> 01:16:29,920 we don't he said we don't no that's not 1530 01:16:27,560 --> 01:16:31,719 what he's saying that's exactly that's 1531 01:16:29,920 --> 01:16:33,800 not what he's saying okay you're not 1532 01:16:31,719 --> 01:16:36,560 here you're you're you're thinking 1533 01:16:33,800 --> 01:16:39,840 General can you re re re what you said 1534 01:16:36,560 --> 01:16:40,840 about m not feance and misfeasance who 1535 01:16:39,840 --> 01:16:43,400 has that 1536 01:16:40,840 --> 01:16:46,920 control the Township Board according to 1537 01:16:43,399 --> 01:16:49,039 statute can charge a PC member with any 1538 01:16:46,920 --> 01:16:51,399 of those three and then the Township 1539 01:16:49,039 --> 01:16:53,519 Board would have a right to remove them 1540 01:16:51,399 --> 01:16:55,399 for a reason though we do have that for 1541 01:16:53,520 --> 01:16:57,120 the charges they have to sub anate the 1542 01:16:55,399 --> 01:16:59,839 charges that's correct have that control 1543 01:16:57,119 --> 01:17:02,319 correct you have that power to do so yes 1544 01:16:59,840 --> 01:17:04,760 just like you have the power to fill a 1545 01:17:02,319 --> 01:17:07,158 vacancy if somebody gets sick can't 1546 01:17:04,760 --> 01:17:09,600 attend anymore if they die if they move 1547 01:17:07,158 --> 01:17:11,399 you have that right but as far as the 1548 01:17:09,600 --> 01:17:16,360 day-to-day activities of the Planning 1549 01:17:11,399 --> 01:17:20,759 Commission absolutely not no I it and uh 1550 01:17:16,359 --> 01:17:24,238 Mr Wood mayor are the day-to-day 1551 01:17:20,760 --> 01:17:25,600 activities outside of how attendance 1552 01:17:24,238 --> 01:17:27,359 impacts 1553 01:17:25,600 --> 01:17:29,600 the ability of a planning commissioner 1554 01:17:27,359 --> 01:17:31,799 to make decisions and contribute to the 1555 01:17:29,600 --> 01:17:33,079 conversations necessary are those 1556 01:17:31,800 --> 01:17:35,800 day-to-day 1557 01:17:33,079 --> 01:17:37,920 activities in question 1558 01:17:35,800 --> 01:17:40,480 here what do you mean are they in 1559 01:17:37,920 --> 01:17:44,000 question here I mean is the does the 1560 01:17:40,479 --> 01:17:45,399 does the attendance impact the 1561 01:17:44,000 --> 01:17:47,560 day-to-day 1562 01:17:45,399 --> 01:17:50,679 activities well that would be his 1563 01:17:47,560 --> 01:17:53,120 opinion nobody can say that they be 1564 01:17:50,679 --> 01:17:55,520 could be at home doing their research 1565 01:17:53,119 --> 01:17:58,238 and whatever they have to do 1566 01:17:55,520 --> 01:18:00,719 right but the attendance of the meeting 1567 01:17:58,238 --> 01:18:02,519 yes but their meeting you're not voting 1568 01:18:00,719 --> 01:18:04,800 yes but their bylaws do not give you a 1569 01:18:02,520 --> 01:18:07,000 percentage do not say they have to be in 1570 01:18:04,800 --> 01:18:08,279 attendance for 80% they don't you 1571 01:18:07,000 --> 01:18:12,079 charged them with that and your 1572 01:18:08,279 --> 01:18:15,359 attendance on the zba was 70 some 1573 01:18:12,079 --> 01:18:17,519 per Just for information in case anybody 1574 01:18:15,359 --> 01:18:17,519 was 1575 01:18:18,119 --> 01:18:24,158 wondering if there isn't any discussion 1576 01:18:20,600 --> 01:18:26,079 I'd like to vote kein black what are we 1577 01:18:24,158 --> 01:18:28,439 voting on 1578 01:18:26,079 --> 01:18:30,960 any further 1579 01:18:28,439 --> 01:18:34,399 discussion I'll make a motion to resend 1580 01:18:30,960 --> 01:18:37,639 all three of the uh censor 1581 01:18:34,399 --> 01:18:41,158 resolutions for Greg Dean and 1582 01:18:37,639 --> 01:18:41,159 myself I'll support 1583 01:18:41,760 --> 01:18:45,639 it we vote or just 1584 01:18:45,800 --> 01:18:50,800 a oh have a roll call 1585 01:18:48,600 --> 01:18:54,280 vote it's not a 1586 01:18:50,800 --> 01:18:58,119 resolution a resolution do a roll call 1587 01:18:54,279 --> 01:19:00,719 let's roll call okay so Sarah dolman 1588 01:18:58,119 --> 01:19:00,719 Jersey 1589 01:19:01,520 --> 01:19:05,760 no R Ferguson 1590 01:19:06,319 --> 01:19:15,000 no Pam moer 1591 01:19:10,238 --> 01:19:15,000 no Greg CS 1592 01:19:15,039 --> 01:19:19,039 yes Jennifer Eden 1593 01:19:20,600 --> 01:19:28,719 no Dean hos yes 1594 01:19:25,760 --> 01:19:31,960 Chris Reta 1595 01:19:28,719 --> 01:19:31,960 yes next 1596 01:19:32,158 --> 01:19:36,359 steps motion failed 1597 01:19:37,198 --> 01:19:44,000 yep okay moving on 1598 01:19:41,479 --> 01:19:48,839 to number 1599 01:19:44,000 --> 01:19:50,679 seven status of Chris reta's x uh 1600 01:19:48,840 --> 01:19:53,679 official membership on the Planning 1601 01:19:50,679 --> 01:19:53,679 Commission 1602 01:20:02,000 --> 01:20:08,679 uh we have any 1603 01:20:04,079 --> 01:20:11,639 comments any questions I have a comment 1604 01:20:08,679 --> 01:20:13,199 okay I apologize I wrote it down because 1605 01:20:11,639 --> 01:20:16,960 not clear thinking 1606 01:20:13,198 --> 01:20:19,079 today Chris Reta conspired to conceive 1607 01:20:16,960 --> 01:20:21,880 and actively participate in drafting a 1608 01:20:19,079 --> 01:20:23,800 letter to the PC informing them that the 1609 01:20:21,880 --> 01:20:26,480 Township Board was charging them with 1610 01:20:23,800 --> 01:20:28,800 non- feis and requested they appear 1611 01:20:26,479 --> 01:20:31,599 before the board for a public hearing to 1612 01:20:28,800 --> 01:20:34,400 explain their position most of the board 1613 01:20:31,600 --> 01:20:37,520 had now knowledge of the letter nor did 1614 01:20:34,399 --> 01:20:40,158 we vote on such an action Chris stated 1615 01:20:37,520 --> 01:20:43,199 that he helped write draft the letter to 1616 01:20:40,158 --> 01:20:46,000 the PC he noted that at a board meeting 1617 01:20:43,198 --> 01:20:49,039 sitting at this table Chris was present 1618 01:20:46,000 --> 01:20:52,560 upon the letter delivering at the PC 1619 01:20:49,039 --> 01:20:54,639 meeting knowing the letter had held 1620 01:20:52,560 --> 01:20:56,920 false statements that would advert 1621 01:20:54,639 --> 01:20:59,960 verely impact fellow planning 1622 01:20:56,920 --> 01:21:02,639 Commissioners we have heard from the PC 1623 01:20:59,960 --> 01:21:04,639 members and the mistrust they now have 1624 01:21:02,639 --> 01:21:08,159 in 1625 01:21:04,639 --> 01:21:10,520 Chris they have Justified their reasons 1626 01:21:08,158 --> 01:21:13,079 why they would like him to be removed 1627 01:21:10,520 --> 01:21:16,400 from ex ailio member as the ex ailio 1628 01:21:13,079 --> 01:21:19,880 member so I asked the board how can we 1629 01:21:16,399 --> 01:21:24,158 ask the PC or expect them the members to 1630 01:21:19,880 --> 01:21:24,159 work with Mr Rupa 1631 01:21:32,359 --> 01:21:37,319 Mr Reta was directly involved in 1632 01:21:34,520 --> 01:21:39,320 misrepresenting the board in conceiving 1633 01:21:37,319 --> 01:21:41,599 Drafting and revising the letter 1634 01:21:39,319 --> 01:21:42,840 charging the Planning Commission members 1635 01:21:41,600 --> 01:21:46,199 with 1636 01:21:42,840 --> 01:21:47,880 nonfeasance well on the PC Mr Reta 1637 01:21:46,198 --> 01:21:50,238 conspired against the Planning 1638 01:21:47,880 --> 01:21:52,319 Commission to undermine the Planning 1639 01:21:50,238 --> 01:21:55,039 Commission by trying to remove other 1640 01:21:52,319 --> 01:21:57,639 members these actions are not in the 1641 01:21:55,039 --> 01:21:59,439 best interest of the Planning Commission 1642 01:21:57,639 --> 01:22:01,920 nor are they in the best interest of 1643 01:21:59,439 --> 01:22:01,919 Tyrone 1644 01:22:11,679 --> 01:22:17,960 Township any other 1645 01:22:14,119 --> 01:22:17,960 comments sure I'll read a 1646 01:22:20,639 --> 01:22:25,800 statement I think it's important to 1647 01:22:22,920 --> 01:22:29,359 understand that uh 1648 01:22:25,800 --> 01:22:31,440 you know uh God gives us great 1649 01:22:29,359 --> 01:22:32,880 responsibility over Authority positions 1650 01:22:31,439 --> 01:22:37,439 like 1651 01:22:32,880 --> 01:22:38,760 this we swore to uphold the Constitution 1652 01:22:37,439 --> 01:22:40,039 of the United States and the 1653 01:22:38,760 --> 01:22:42,679 constitution of 1654 01:22:40,039 --> 01:22:45,679 Michigan townships are governed by laws 1655 01:22:42,679 --> 01:22:48,520 and these con these uh constitutions 1656 01:22:45,679 --> 01:22:51,158 also and also within the statutory laws 1657 01:22:48,520 --> 01:22:52,880 and even our ordinances our laws that 1658 01:22:51,158 --> 01:22:55,359 our residents have to 1659 01:22:52,880 --> 01:22:58,719 fulfill when we work with laws we're 1660 01:22:55,359 --> 01:23:02,359 lawful when we work within them when we 1661 01:22:58,719 --> 01:23:05,039 work within ethical standards we are 1662 01:23:02,359 --> 01:23:07,198 ethical unless there's evidence of laws 1663 01:23:05,039 --> 01:23:10,880 being broken it's not appropriate to 1664 01:23:07,198 --> 01:23:13,399 consider someone unlawful or 1665 01:23:10,880 --> 01:23:16,840 unethical without 1666 01:23:13,399 --> 01:23:19,000 evidence and where there is evidence 1667 01:23:16,840 --> 01:23:21,279 then there can be 1668 01:23:19,000 --> 01:23:23,119 actions but you still haven't produced 1669 01:23:21,279 --> 01:23:27,039 any 1670 01:23:23,119 --> 01:23:30,198 evidence you have opinion and 1671 01:23:27,039 --> 01:23:31,760 conjecture so we're at a Crossroads do 1672 01:23:30,198 --> 01:23:33,678 we as a Township Board want to move 1673 01:23:31,760 --> 01:23:36,840 forward with important 1674 01:23:33,679 --> 01:23:40,480 decisions uh and actions based on what 1675 01:23:36,840 --> 01:23:42,560 possibly might be the case or oh 1676 01:23:40,479 --> 01:23:44,479 everybody knows that what ethics were 1677 01:23:42,560 --> 01:23:47,120 violated I think that was trusty dolman 1678 01:23:44,479 --> 01:23:49,759 Jersey's perspective these should not be 1679 01:23:47,119 --> 01:23:54,639 the foundation of how we operate a 1680 01:23:49,760 --> 01:23:54,639 Township but that's what's happened 1681 01:23:55,158 --> 01:24:00,039 I understand that sometimes things may 1682 01:23:56,960 --> 01:24:01,198 happen differently but different doesn't 1683 01:24:00,039 --> 01:24:04,399 constitute 1684 01:24:01,198 --> 01:24:05,839 unlawful and different does not un uh 1685 01:24:04,399 --> 01:24:08,319 constitute 1686 01:24:05,840 --> 01:24:11,199 unethical it's just 1687 01:24:08,319 --> 01:24:13,559 different but we are still a nation 1688 01:24:11,198 --> 01:24:15,158 state county and Township where one is 1689 01:24:13,560 --> 01:24:19,480 presumed 1690 01:24:15,158 --> 01:24:21,439 innocent until proven guilty from an 1691 01:24:19,479 --> 01:24:23,919 evidentiary standpoint and I would 1692 01:24:21,439 --> 01:24:27,359 assume that the lawyers in this uh uh 1693 01:24:23,920 --> 01:24:30,039 this room would probably agree with 1694 01:24:27,359 --> 01:24:33,158 that not the presumption of guilt based 1695 01:24:30,039 --> 01:24:35,439 on what possibly breaking a law or 1696 01:24:33,158 --> 01:24:37,759 suggesting an opinion that everyone 1697 01:24:35,439 --> 01:24:40,559 knows what you did these should not be 1698 01:24:37,760 --> 01:24:43,840 the foundation of how we operate and 1699 01:24:40,560 --> 01:24:45,520 especially not operate this board but 1700 01:24:43,840 --> 01:24:47,639 that's what's 1701 01:24:45,520 --> 01:24:51,159 happened I believe we should move 1702 01:24:47,639 --> 01:24:53,920 forward and really 1703 01:24:51,158 --> 01:24:55,439 consider leaving the emotional aspects 1704 01:24:53,920 --> 01:24:59,840 out 1705 01:24:55,439 --> 01:25:03,039 I believe we should be really focused on 1706 01:24:59,840 --> 01:25:05,520 facts attendance records are facts 1707 01:25:03,039 --> 01:25:08,439 they're not made up they're pulled from 1708 01:25:05,520 --> 01:25:12,760 the meeting minutes they're assembled 1709 01:25:08,439 --> 01:25:16,479 and they're presented facts not 1710 01:25:12,760 --> 01:25:20,520 opinion so this is the place to start we 1711 01:25:16,479 --> 01:25:24,718 make a decision a juncture that we're at 1712 01:25:20,520 --> 01:25:27,960 how do you as a board want to govern by 1713 01:25:24,719 --> 01:25:31,279 law by evidence by 1714 01:25:27,960 --> 01:25:34,359 innocent before proven 1715 01:25:31,279 --> 01:25:37,960 guilty we had no opportunity to be 1716 01:25:34,359 --> 01:25:39,719 innocent before proven guilty the cental 1717 01:25:37,960 --> 01:25:42,319 resolutions were 1718 01:25:39,719 --> 01:25:46,399 published on a 1719 01:25:42,319 --> 01:25:49,960 Thursday with the meeting packet as 1720 01:25:46,399 --> 01:25:52,000 convicted not discussing whether they 1721 01:25:49,960 --> 01:25:55,439 should be censor 1722 01:25:52,000 --> 01:25:59,560 resolutions it was a conviction 1723 01:25:55,439 --> 01:26:01,279 letter before the board even was 1724 01:25:59,560 --> 01:26:04,639 discussing 1725 01:26:01,279 --> 01:26:08,000 it and our TR and our trustee at the end 1726 01:26:04,639 --> 01:26:11,400 took it to the media with the convicted 1727 01:26:08,000 --> 01:26:15,679 letters to do that it was a excuse me 1728 01:26:11,399 --> 01:26:17,960 I'm speaking I Robert Rule of Order I'm 1729 01:26:15,679 --> 01:26:21,000 speaking do not 1730 01:26:17,960 --> 01:26:22,960 interrupt so this is the way that you 1731 01:26:21,000 --> 01:26:26,238 want to operate thank you this is the 1732 01:26:22,960 --> 01:26:26,239 way you want to operate 1733 01:26:26,719 --> 01:26:33,158 wow so I'm just telling you to make a 1734 01:26:30,158 --> 01:26:35,039 choice on how you want this Township to 1735 01:26:33,158 --> 01:26:37,319 run Do You Want It by facts do you want 1736 01:26:35,039 --> 01:26:39,479 it by evidence do you want it by legal 1737 01:26:37,319 --> 01:26:43,079 means or do you want it by opinion and 1738 01:26:39,479 --> 01:26:45,238 conjecture and feelings and 1739 01:26:43,079 --> 01:26:47,279 emotions that's what we're dis that's 1740 01:26:45,238 --> 01:26:50,399 what we're facing here that's exactly 1741 01:26:47,279 --> 01:26:53,399 what we're facing I'm finished thank you 1742 01:26:50,399 --> 01:26:53,399 Chris 1743 01:26:55,319 --> 01:26:57,759 anybody 1744 01:26:59,880 --> 01:27:06,719 else I uh I just want to say that I uh 1745 01:27:03,880 --> 01:27:09,960 regarding the removal of Chris from the 1746 01:27:06,719 --> 01:27:13,158 Planning Commission I 1747 01:27:09,960 --> 01:27:16,719 uh sorry planning Commissioners but I I 1748 01:27:13,158 --> 01:27:20,079 I I can't be intimidated or 1749 01:27:16,719 --> 01:27:26,319 pressured into supporting such a move I 1750 01:27:20,079 --> 01:27:29,079 I can't I can't I'm sorry I can't I I 1751 01:27:26,319 --> 01:27:32,840 uh 1752 01:27:29,079 --> 01:27:36,800 he he's done a good job so far 1753 01:27:32,840 --> 01:27:40,039 so uh my recommendation to this board 1754 01:27:36,800 --> 01:27:42,760 and that board is to get over all of 1755 01:27:40,039 --> 01:27:48,560 this and get back to 1756 01:27:42,760 --> 01:27:48,560 work get over it be done with it 1757 01:27:48,840 --> 01:27:55,239 tonight because I've wasted way too much 1758 01:27:52,880 --> 01:27:59,480 time on this crap the residents are 1759 01:27:55,238 --> 01:28:03,279 tired of it I'm tired of it get over it 1760 01:27:59,479 --> 01:28:06,000 and let's get to work tonight so 1761 01:28:03,279 --> 01:28:10,840 whatever happens let's be done with it 1762 01:28:06,000 --> 01:28:13,238 that goes for yep you guys and you four 1763 01:28:10,840 --> 01:28:15,400 well I've got a question for Chris you 1764 01:28:13,238 --> 01:28:18,638 talk about ethics Chris 1765 01:28:15,399 --> 01:28:20,559 sure why weren't the other four involved 1766 01:28:18,639 --> 01:28:22,239 what made you guys decide to think that 1767 01:28:20,560 --> 01:28:25,280 it was just you three that could do it 1768 01:28:22,238 --> 01:28:28,559 without including us it wasn't us three 1769 01:28:25,279 --> 01:28:30,800 who was it our lawyer explained exactly 1770 01:28:28,560 --> 01:28:33,159 what happened and I'm sorry no I'm 1771 01:28:30,800 --> 01:28:35,279 asking you before this letter was sent 1772 01:28:33,158 --> 01:28:38,839 to the Planning Commission why didn't 1773 01:28:35,279 --> 01:28:40,359 you guys include the other four members 1774 01:28:38,840 --> 01:28:42,239 I'm asking you guys that can anybody 1775 01:28:40,359 --> 01:28:44,639 answer that I'm wondering why I didn't 1776 01:28:42,238 --> 01:28:45,959 come to the board table Yeah anybody 1777 01:28:44,639 --> 01:28:47,920 want to answer that that's fine their 1778 01:28:45,960 --> 01:28:49,719 attendance was in question why weren't 1779 01:28:47,920 --> 01:28:53,039 we talking about 1780 01:28:49,719 --> 01:28:54,639 it I pulled the letter back before it 1781 01:28:53,039 --> 01:28:56,639 could get to the board 1782 01:28:54,639 --> 01:28:59,159 I had to find out from residents and 1783 01:28:56,639 --> 01:29:01,118 stuff days later and I talked to you I 1784 01:28:59,158 --> 01:29:03,158 sent Greg I sent you letters when you 1785 01:29:01,118 --> 01:29:05,319 were down to talk to you about other 1786 01:29:03,158 --> 01:29:07,679 stuff and you were ready to tea off at 1787 01:29:05,319 --> 01:29:09,479 Margo that you were talking with Dean 1788 01:29:07,679 --> 01:29:11,279 and Chris the whole entire weekend 1789 01:29:09,479 --> 01:29:14,479 before you did that but you couldn't 1790 01:29:11,279 --> 01:29:16,719 communicate with me on anything you did 1791 01:29:14,479 --> 01:29:18,879 i' it's for you she's got the stuff I 1792 01:29:16,719 --> 01:29:21,158 sent it to t you we're going to tea off 1793 01:29:18,880 --> 01:29:24,118 at Margo didn't have time to talk with 1794 01:29:21,158 --> 01:29:26,279 me but yet you spent the whole weekend 1795 01:29:24,118 --> 01:29:29,279 the whole week talking to the other two 1796 01:29:26,279 --> 01:29:31,079 and left me and everybody else out 1797 01:29:29,279 --> 01:29:32,759 that's the problem right there is you 1798 01:29:31,079 --> 01:29:35,519 guys don't see that you did anything 1799 01:29:32,760 --> 01:29:37,880 wrong here that's it why weren't we 1800 01:29:35,520 --> 01:29:39,440 included you really want to go there har 1801 01:29:37,880 --> 01:29:41,039 yeah let's go there D you want me to 1802 01:29:39,439 --> 01:29:43,319 bring out the text message between you 1803 01:29:41,039 --> 01:29:46,359 and Greg and I where you gave us the 1804 01:29:43,319 --> 01:29:48,559 language okay from your judge friend you 1805 01:29:46,359 --> 01:29:50,639 gave us the language to start this yeah 1806 01:29:48,560 --> 01:29:54,600 when was it NOA she's got it here's what 1807 01:29:50,639 --> 01:29:56,560 I said you could have and sent us the to 1808 01:29:54,600 --> 01:29:58,840 get this started okay don't tell us you 1809 01:29:56,560 --> 01:30:00,960 weren't aware of it I was she's got it 1810 01:29:58,840 --> 01:30:03,039 it's fo you and here's the thing you 1811 01:30:00,960 --> 01:30:05,520 could have talked to him for free and 1812 01:30:03,039 --> 01:30:07,600 did you ever call him I called him did 1813 01:30:05,520 --> 01:30:08,840 you talk to him for free you could have 1814 01:30:07,600 --> 01:30:11,239 talked to him you gave us the 1815 01:30:08,840 --> 01:30:13,760 information did you talk to did you talk 1816 01:30:11,238 --> 01:30:15,759 to him did you talk to him don't need to 1817 01:30:13,760 --> 01:30:18,760 why not you gave us the language I did 1818 01:30:15,760 --> 01:30:20,239 we verified it in the OM book so what's 1819 01:30:18,760 --> 01:30:22,800 the problem how come you didn't talk to 1820 01:30:20,238 --> 01:30:24,959 us you guys made the decision you want 1821 01:30:22,800 --> 01:30:27,560 to go there Greg made the decision okay 1822 01:30:24,960 --> 01:30:31,118 Greg did it I'm ready to 1823 01:30:27,560 --> 01:30:33,239 vote hey hey hey hey I'm ready to vote 1824 01:30:31,118 --> 01:30:33,238 right 1825 01:30:34,760 --> 01:30:41,800 now my my question to you Greg um I 1826 01:30:38,198 --> 01:30:43,279 apologize but how do you look at the 1827 01:30:41,800 --> 01:30:46,000 Planning Commission 1828 01:30:43,279 --> 01:30:50,559 members and 1829 01:30:46,000 --> 01:30:55,000 still support Chris on that board after 1830 01:30:50,560 --> 01:30:55,000 all of this what do you tell them 1831 01:30:55,158 --> 01:31:00,879 what what get over it and get to work 1832 01:30:57,840 --> 01:31:03,880 the same reason I've got you six 1833 01:31:00,880 --> 01:31:03,880 here 1834 01:31:05,000 --> 01:31:11,800 okay I'm not exactly happy with you six 1835 01:31:09,079 --> 01:31:14,760 but guess what I'm growing up enough to 1836 01:31:11,800 --> 01:31:17,079 learn to work with you two and three and 1837 01:31:14,760 --> 01:31:19,480 four and five and 1838 01:31:17,079 --> 01:31:21,359 six I'm growing up enough to learn to 1839 01:31:19,479 --> 01:31:22,559 work with you and I'm telling the 1840 01:31:21,359 --> 01:31:25,679 Planning 1841 01:31:22,560 --> 01:31:28,920 Commission to get get over it and get to 1842 01:31:25,679 --> 01:31:28,920 work with 1843 01:31:32,560 --> 01:31:37,119 whoever that's my take on 1844 01:31:39,279 --> 01:31:44,198 so so where we go from 1845 01:31:45,679 --> 01:31:51,920 here make a 1846 01:31:48,319 --> 01:31:54,079 vote vote on what what's the motion what 1847 01:31:51,920 --> 01:31:55,880 do you think what's number seven to 1848 01:31:54,079 --> 01:31:59,559 remove Chris is from the Planning 1849 01:31:55,880 --> 01:32:02,560 Commission let me hear it status H chck 1850 01:31:59,560 --> 01:32:06,480 how's that done he makes the 1851 01:32:02,560 --> 01:32:10,280 motion um this is just a charging issue 1852 01:32:06,479 --> 01:32:12,839 this is not a hearing to remove him so 1853 01:32:10,279 --> 01:32:14,960 this is just to authorize a charge of 1854 01:32:12,840 --> 01:32:17,400 malfeasance misfeasance or 1855 01:32:14,960 --> 01:32:19,279 nonfeasance at the same time you do that 1856 01:32:17,399 --> 01:32:21,879 if you choose to go forward you have to 1857 01:32:19,279 --> 01:32:24,118 establish a public hearing date you have 1858 01:32:21,880 --> 01:32:27,239 to establish a public hearing date at 1859 01:32:24,118 --> 01:32:28,960 that public hearing date then uh Mr Reta 1860 01:32:27,238 --> 01:32:31,039 have would have every right to answer 1861 01:32:28,960 --> 01:32:34,960 the charges and defend them in any way 1862 01:32:31,039 --> 01:32:36,719 he feels is appropriate thank you so 1863 01:32:34,960 --> 01:32:39,399 that's what the motion has to be to 1864 01:32:36,719 --> 01:32:41,880 bring charges correct if there is a 1865 01:32:39,399 --> 01:32:44,559 motion tonight the only motion there can 1866 01:32:41,880 --> 01:32:46,239 be would be to charge the Township Board 1867 01:32:44,560 --> 01:32:48,960 would be charging with the Mel feasant 1868 01:32:46,238 --> 01:32:52,519 nonfeasance or nonfeasance whatever it 1869 01:32:48,960 --> 01:32:54,239 may be and if that is the case it's just 1870 01:32:52,520 --> 01:32:56,840 simply a charge it doesn't doesn't mean 1871 01:32:54,238 --> 01:32:59,238 anybody is guilty innocent responsible 1872 01:32:56,840 --> 01:33:01,279 not responsible it's just a charge and 1873 01:32:59,238 --> 01:33:04,718 that would have to be a charge of him 1874 01:33:01,279 --> 01:33:07,079 doing that as a planning 1875 01:33:04,719 --> 01:33:09,480 commissioner is that correct that's 1876 01:33:07,079 --> 01:33:12,399 right not as a board member as a 1877 01:33:09,479 --> 01:33:15,638 planning commissioner he's well he's 1878 01:33:12,399 --> 01:33:17,799 both it doesn't matter the the again I'm 1879 01:33:15,639 --> 01:33:19,480 going to repeat that the charge has to 1880 01:33:17,800 --> 01:33:21,960 be brought up for misfeasance 1881 01:33:19,479 --> 01:33:24,839 malfeasance or nonfeasance against an 1882 01:33:21,960 --> 01:33:27,239 act that he did as a planning 1883 01:33:24,840 --> 01:33:29,880 commissioner that's correct it's as a 1884 01:33:27,238 --> 01:33:32,359 sitting planning commissioner Thank you 1885 01:33:29,880 --> 01:33:33,960 period just a planning commissioner none 1886 01:33:32,359 --> 01:33:37,118 of this other stuff has any to do with 1887 01:33:33,960 --> 01:33:38,880 it none of what stuff are you asking the 1888 01:33:37,118 --> 01:33:41,719 censure any of that because that was 1889 01:33:38,880 --> 01:33:44,440 censured as a board 1890 01:33:41,719 --> 01:33:46,560 member the the censures have nothing to 1891 01:33:44,439 --> 01:33:49,000 do with malfeasance nonfeasance or 1892 01:33:46,560 --> 01:33:51,320 misfeasance of the PC member thank you 1893 01:33:49,000 --> 01:33:54,479 and everything that goes with that again 1894 01:33:51,319 --> 01:33:56,719 board side not Planning Commission side 1895 01:33:54,479 --> 01:33:59,439 correct what do you want me to say I've 1896 01:33:56,719 --> 01:34:01,920 been telling you it's the actions if you 1897 01:33:59,439 --> 01:34:04,759 are going to be charging somebody as a 1898 01:34:01,920 --> 01:34:07,920 PC member you're charging them as a PC 1899 01:34:04,760 --> 01:34:10,159 member with malfeasance nonfeasance or 1900 01:34:07,920 --> 01:34:12,359 misfeasance it doesn't have to be with 1901 01:34:10,158 --> 01:34:15,198 respect to those censures but it can be 1902 01:34:12,359 --> 01:34:17,719 anything that that person has done while 1903 01:34:15,198 --> 01:34:21,719 he is a sitting member of the 1904 01:34:17,719 --> 01:34:21,719 PC thank 1905 01:34:24,118 --> 01:34:26,319 thank 1906 01:34:29,719 --> 01:34:32,719 you 1907 01:34:34,439 --> 01:34:39,759 so I make a motion to remove Chris Retta 1908 01:34:37,840 --> 01:34:41,840 from the Planning Commission on what 1909 01:34:39,760 --> 01:34:43,119 charge please can't can't do that motion 1910 01:34:41,840 --> 01:34:46,000 sorry 1911 01:34:43,118 --> 01:34:47,679 okay yeah it cannot be to remove if 1912 01:34:46,000 --> 01:34:50,439 anything is going to happen tonight is 1913 01:34:47,679 --> 01:34:51,199 charging with the malfeasant nonfeasance 1914 01:34:50,439 --> 01:34:53,839 or 1915 01:34:51,198 --> 01:34:56,719 misfeasance and if you are going to do 1916 01:34:53,840 --> 01:34:58,400 that you should articulate the reasons 1917 01:34:56,719 --> 01:35:03,079 for the charge 1918 01:34:58,399 --> 01:35:03,079 okay the reasons you can read 1919 01:35:07,520 --> 01:35:13,840 them I'll make a motion to charge Chris 1920 01:35:10,520 --> 01:35:15,600 Reta with malfeasant and misfeasance 1921 01:35:13,840 --> 01:35:19,159 with the public hearing to be scheduled 1922 01:35:15,600 --> 01:35:21,480 as soon as legally possible on the basis 1923 01:35:19,158 --> 01:35:24,118 outline while serving as a member of the 1924 01:35:21,479 --> 01:35:26,279 Planning Commission Mr rap comes by to 1925 01:35:24,118 --> 01:35:28,599 conceive and actively participate in 1926 01:35:26,279 --> 01:35:30,519 drafting a letter to the PC informing 1927 01:35:28,600 --> 01:35:32,840 them that the Township Board was 1928 01:35:30,520 --> 01:35:34,719 charging them with nonfeasance and 1929 01:35:32,840 --> 01:35:37,480 requested they appear before the board 1930 01:35:34,719 --> 01:35:40,079 or a public hearing to explain their 1931 01:35:37,479 --> 01:35:42,638 position conducted Township business in 1932 01:35:40,079 --> 01:35:45,639 the name of the Township Board and 1933 01:35:42,639 --> 01:35:48,359 thereby misrepresented the board and its 1934 01:35:45,639 --> 01:35:50,960 Authority language in the letter 1935 01:35:48,359 --> 01:35:53,238 directly stated that the Township board 1936 01:35:50,960 --> 01:35:55,920 made a collective decision to charge 1937 01:35:53,238 --> 01:35:57,759 planning Commissioners with nonfeasance 1938 01:35:55,920 --> 01:36:01,960 even though there was never a public 1939 01:35:57,760 --> 01:36:05,199 meeting held a quorum present or vote 1940 01:36:01,960 --> 01:36:07,560 taken Mr Reta was also present upon 1941 01:36:05,198 --> 01:36:10,319 delivery knowing the letter held false 1942 01:36:07,560 --> 01:36:13,080 statements that would adversely impact 1943 01:36:10,319 --> 01:36:15,079 fellow planning 1944 01:36:13,079 --> 01:36:16,639 Commissioners can I ask a question did 1945 01:36:15,079 --> 01:36:18,880 he do that as a planning commissioner or 1946 01:36:16,639 --> 01:36:21,359 as a board member yes I said while 1947 01:36:18,880 --> 01:36:23,319 serving as a planning 1948 01:36:21,359 --> 01:36:24,920 commissioner so you have documents that 1949 01:36:23,319 --> 01:36:27,599 you did as a planning 1950 01:36:24,920 --> 01:36:30,480 commissioner cuz to then why did you why 1951 01:36:27,600 --> 01:36:34,119 did you Center him as a a board member 1952 01:36:30,479 --> 01:36:36,599 for them reasons charge you can't do 1953 01:36:34,118 --> 01:36:38,960 both is that correct Char you can do 1954 01:36:36,600 --> 01:36:41,039 both the board has two actions it can 1955 01:36:38,960 --> 01:36:43,600 take when Miss conduct occurs one is 1956 01:36:41,039 --> 01:36:45,760 censure and two is removal from 1957 01:36:43,600 --> 01:36:49,280 committees it's not a 1958 01:36:45,760 --> 01:36:50,960 committee it's not a removal from 1959 01:36:49,279 --> 01:36:53,759 correct Chu it's not a committee it's 1960 01:36:50,960 --> 01:36:56,520 the Planning Commission okay 1961 01:36:53,760 --> 01:36:58,719 and if they're going to take the action 1962 01:36:56,520 --> 01:37:00,199 against him as a board member they can't 1963 01:36:58,719 --> 01:37:01,880 take the same action they can't Double 1964 01:37:00,198 --> 01:37:03,799 Jeopardy him by taking it against a 1965 01:37:01,880 --> 01:37:05,800 planning commissioner he did it as a 1966 01:37:03,800 --> 01:37:07,719 board member or as a planning 1967 01:37:05,800 --> 01:37:11,880 commissioner the 1968 01:37:07,719 --> 01:37:14,639 censure was as a board member this is 1969 01:37:11,880 --> 01:37:18,079 removal as ex official to the Planning 1970 01:37:14,639 --> 01:37:21,400 Commission if he did that as a board 1971 01:37:18,079 --> 01:37:23,960 member and you censored him he did not 1972 01:37:21,399 --> 01:37:25,719 do it as a planning commissioner if he 1973 01:37:23,960 --> 01:37:27,679 did it as a planning commissioner then 1974 01:37:25,719 --> 01:37:30,639 he did not do it as a board 1975 01:37:27,679 --> 01:37:33,239 member he he can't act in two boards at 1976 01:37:30,639 --> 01:37:33,239 the same 1977 01:37:34,359 --> 01:37:37,359 time 1978 01:37:38,719 --> 01:37:44,118 sh that correct the motion you want my 1979 01:37:42,359 --> 01:37:45,920 legal opinion yes that's what we're 1980 01:37:44,118 --> 01:37:49,679 looking legal we would like legal here 1981 01:37:45,920 --> 01:37:52,079 that's you can act as a PC member and as 1982 01:37:49,679 --> 01:37:55,440 a board of trustee member at the same 1983 01:37:52,079 --> 01:37:55,439 time how thank you 1984 01:37:56,520 --> 01:38:01,239 how how is that 1985 01:37:58,238 --> 01:38:01,238 possible 1986 01:38:01,399 --> 01:38:05,158 represents but if 1987 01:38:07,158 --> 01:38:15,039 you okay so we have a motion 1988 01:38:12,359 --> 01:38:18,000 support what could you reread the motion 1989 01:38:15,039 --> 01:38:22,439 please I'm not clear on what it 1990 01:38:18,000 --> 01:38:24,920 is the motion to charge Chris Retta with 1991 01:38:22,439 --> 01:38:26,879 malfeasant and Miss feens with the 1992 01:38:24,920 --> 01:38:29,760 public hearing to be scheduled as soon 1993 01:38:26,880 --> 01:38:29,760 as legally 1994 01:38:30,880 --> 01:38:37,400 possible and what are the what are the 1995 01:38:34,000 --> 01:38:41,279 charges of read me again me Miss feens 1996 01:38:37,399 --> 01:38:44,719 and Mal feens pertaining to what 1997 01:38:41,279 --> 01:38:47,238 evidence what what things things I'm 1998 01:38:44,719 --> 01:38:49,880 sorry I already stated that the first 1999 01:38:47,238 --> 01:38:51,198 time that you conspired to conceive and 2000 01:38:49,880 --> 01:38:54,000 actively 2001 01:38:51,198 --> 01:38:55,839 participating participated in drafting a 2002 01:38:54,000 --> 01:38:57,560 letter to the Planning Commission 2003 01:38:55,840 --> 01:39:00,000 informing them that the Township Board 2004 01:38:57,560 --> 01:39:01,800 was charging them with nonfeasance and 2005 01:39:00,000 --> 01:39:04,118 requested they appear before the board 2006 01:39:01,800 --> 01:39:06,760 for a public hearing to explain their 2007 01:39:04,118 --> 01:39:08,319 position you also conducted Township 2008 01:39:06,760 --> 01:39:10,800 business in the name of the Township 2009 01:39:08,319 --> 01:39:12,079 Board and thereby misrepresented the 2010 01:39:10,800 --> 01:39:14,480 board and its 2011 01:39:12,079 --> 01:39:16,719 Authority the language written in the 2012 01:39:14,479 --> 01:39:19,359 letter directly stated that the Township 2013 01:39:16,719 --> 01:39:21,239 board made a collective decision to 2014 01:39:19,359 --> 01:39:23,479 charge planning Commissioners with 2015 01:39:21,238 --> 01:39:26,479 nonfeasance even though there was never 2016 01:39:23,479 --> 01:39:28,399 a publicly held meeting or Quorum 2017 01:39:26,479 --> 01:39:31,439 present or vote 2018 01:39:28,399 --> 01:39:33,118 taken you also were present upon letter 2019 01:39:31,439 --> 01:39:35,238 delivery to the Planning Commission 2020 01:39:33,118 --> 01:39:37,719 members knowing that the letter held 2021 01:39:35,238 --> 01:39:41,479 false statements that would adversely 2022 01:39:37,719 --> 01:39:41,480 impact the fellow planning 2023 01:39:42,399 --> 01:39:48,158 Commissioners so in light of any 2024 01:39:44,599 --> 01:39:50,000 evidence that to the contrary that's 2025 01:39:48,158 --> 01:39:53,719 what I've made a motion do we have 2026 01:39:50,000 --> 01:39:55,719 someone that support roll call okay 2027 01:39:53,719 --> 01:39:59,840 we're going to do a roll call vote Chris 2028 01:39:55,719 --> 01:40:03,359 Reta no Dean hos no Jennifer Eden yes 2029 01:39:59,840 --> 01:40:07,719 Greg KS no Herman Ferguson yes Sarah 2030 01:40:03,359 --> 01:40:07,719 dolman Jersey yes Pam moer 2031 01:40:13,599 --> 01:40:21,960 yes okay so I have a question um for you 2032 01:40:18,719 --> 01:40:24,039 um Chuck regarding a public hearing um 2033 01:40:21,960 --> 01:40:27,000 so Mr rapata state stated that he will 2034 01:40:24,039 --> 01:40:29,639 not be in town for our next meeting so 2035 01:40:27,000 --> 01:40:31,800 do we move it to the following meeting I 2036 01:40:29,639 --> 01:40:33,719 would strongly recommend that you do it 2037 01:40:31,800 --> 01:40:35,239 at a time that he can be here because he 2038 01:40:33,719 --> 01:40:37,439 has an absolute right to defend and 2039 01:40:35,238 --> 01:40:41,198 answer these charges 2040 01:40:37,439 --> 01:40:41,198 sure attendance doesn't 2041 01:40:45,840 --> 01:40:52,440 matters 2042 01:40:47,399 --> 01:40:52,439 so let's look at the date here 2043 01:40:55,760 --> 01:41:02,920 Mr repeta will you be here on March 2044 01:41:00,039 --> 01:41:06,198 25th no we've got something going 2045 01:41:02,920 --> 01:41:10,679 on can he answer I have to look at my 2046 01:41:06,198 --> 01:41:15,638 calendar okay we we can we can schedule 2047 01:41:10,679 --> 01:41:20,239 it all right we move on to miscellaneous 2048 01:41:15,639 --> 01:41:20,239 business do we have any miscellaneous 2049 01:41:21,560 --> 01:41:27,800 business okay uh 2050 01:41:23,840 --> 01:41:31,159 um last uh public 2051 01:41:27,800 --> 01:41:31,159 remarks yes 2052 01:41:31,599 --> 01:41:38,840 Scott Scott Li I'm going to say it 2053 01:41:36,238 --> 01:41:41,238 again we work together on a lot of 2054 01:41:38,840 --> 01:41:43,279 issues in this C with you guys and I 2055 01:41:41,238 --> 01:41:45,519 asked you to take accountability all I 2056 01:41:43,279 --> 01:41:47,118 asked you guys for please take 2057 01:41:45,520 --> 01:41:50,760 accountability for what you 2058 01:41:47,118 --> 01:41:52,319 did Dean I walked into that meeting late 2059 01:41:50,760 --> 01:41:53,880 that day I sat down between you and 2060 01:41:52,319 --> 01:41:55,399 great 2061 01:41:53,880 --> 01:41:57,760 when the reading was get ready to 2062 01:41:55,399 --> 01:42:01,359 adjourn you told me stick 2063 01:41:57,760 --> 01:42:02,920 around Greg's going to got some prepared 2064 01:42:01,359 --> 01:42:04,839 documents to hand out to the planing 2065 01:42:02,920 --> 01:42:07,679 commission so you're well aware of those 2066 01:42:04,840 --> 01:42:11,800 documents gu what you told never mind it 2067 01:42:07,679 --> 01:42:14,440 okay that's fine so what's your attorney 2068 01:42:11,800 --> 01:42:19,039 okay so what's your attorney's saying is 2069 01:42:14,439 --> 01:42:21,079 that Mr KS jumped out of the the car 2070 01:42:19,039 --> 01:42:24,800 robbed the bank you guys drove the car 2071 01:42:21,079 --> 01:42:26,359 so you're no longer guilty 2072 01:42:24,800 --> 01:42:27,880 basically that's what you did you guys 2073 01:42:26,359 --> 01:42:29,799 were involved in this just because you 2074 01:42:27,880 --> 01:42:32,880 didn't sign the paper you were 2075 01:42:29,800 --> 01:42:34,719 involved I'm sorry Greg I'm sorry all 2076 01:42:32,880 --> 01:42:40,359 the years you were on the zba shame on 2077 01:42:34,719 --> 01:42:43,920 you shame on you really shame on you I 2078 01:42:40,359 --> 01:42:46,319 mean I've never seen so much CRA you 2079 01:42:43,920 --> 01:42:48,319 want to let it go so we can do it again 2080 01:42:46,319 --> 01:42:50,599 we just already I already just told you 2081 01:42:48,319 --> 01:42:52,559 it's already happened again when you 2082 01:42:50,599 --> 01:42:55,119 went over to you ran over to the I mean 2083 01:42:52,560 --> 01:42:58,039 after you put out of warning next you 2084 01:42:55,118 --> 01:43:00,759 ran over to Bare Naked 2085 01:42:58,039 --> 01:43:03,840 woods and tried to cover to me it look 2086 01:43:00,760 --> 01:43:05,280 like a cut for up and then come on what 2087 01:43:03,840 --> 01:43:07,039 you had no business you went behind the 2088 01:43:05,279 --> 01:43:09,118 board you went behind every maybe you 2089 01:43:07,039 --> 01:43:11,760 didn't have the right but you notifi 2090 01:43:09,118 --> 01:43:13,719 nobody not zoning but you want to did it 2091 01:43:11,760 --> 01:43:15,560 on your own again and then Chris for you 2092 01:43:13,719 --> 01:43:19,000 to go over there I mean I just cannot 2093 01:43:15,560 --> 01:43:19,920 believe friends I'm a yes hey hey hey 2094 01:43:19,000 --> 01:43:24,479 hey 2095 01:43:19,920 --> 01:43:26,158 heyen I listen I don't hate anybody but 2096 01:43:24,479 --> 01:43:28,079 you know what I've been come to these 2097 01:43:26,158 --> 01:43:29,598 meetings for decades Terry's the only 2098 01:43:28,079 --> 01:43:31,599 one here has been long and you can ask 2099 01:43:29,599 --> 01:43:33,159 her I went up against everybody I 2100 01:43:31,599 --> 01:43:34,079 thought was doing wrong whether I liked 2101 01:43:33,158 --> 01:43:37,158 them or 2102 01:43:34,079 --> 01:43:41,198 not if I'm wrong I'll admit it but I 2103 01:43:37,158 --> 01:43:41,198 always call it out all 2104 01:43:41,439 --> 01:43:46,799 right you know it's just not right you 2105 01:43:44,880 --> 01:43:49,800 guys are I mean take 2106 01:43:46,800 --> 01:43:51,480 responsibility and let's get going with 2107 01:43:49,800 --> 01:43:53,239 this Township but you got to take 2108 01:43:51,479 --> 01:43:54,718 responsibility you can't sit there put 2109 01:43:53,238 --> 01:43:55,799 her all on great and said well we just 2110 01:43:54,719 --> 01:43:58,960 drove the 2111 01:43:55,800 --> 01:43:58,960 car come 2112 01:44:06,920 --> 01:44:10,319 on anybody 2113 01:44:18,359 --> 01:44:23,679 else I'm pretty loud so I might not need 2114 01:44:20,840 --> 01:44:26,480 this my name is Becky malar my husband 2115 01:44:23,679 --> 01:44:29,440 and I Mike own be naked wood um I do 2116 01:44:26,479 --> 01:44:31,678 want to address the the township we 2117 01:44:29,439 --> 01:44:33,759 received a letter basically before our 2118 01:44:31,679 --> 01:44:36,399 party that we had which was with 2119 01:44:33,760 --> 01:44:40,320 basically my immediate friends and 2120 01:44:36,399 --> 01:44:43,960 family Bas a big Tupperware party okay 2121 01:44:40,319 --> 01:44:47,000 and um Scott and the reason I know this 2122 01:44:43,960 --> 01:44:50,560 is because the township sent us a letter 2123 01:44:47,000 --> 01:44:52,359 to our home got to address us oh sorry 2124 01:44:50,560 --> 01:44:54,679 the township sent us a letter to our 2125 01:44:52,359 --> 01:44:58,960 home and they unfortunately did not 2126 01:44:54,679 --> 01:45:00,719 remove Scott's name from the back of the 2127 01:44:58,960 --> 01:45:03,279 like he was the one that sent the email 2128 01:45:00,719 --> 01:45:06,039 to the township so I would just maybe 2129 01:45:03,279 --> 01:45:09,279 let you guys know that your Carrie who's 2130 01:45:06,039 --> 01:45:11,760 the one that mailed it to us um was very 2131 01:45:09,279 --> 01:45:13,719 kind to let us know that Mr Dietrich 2132 01:45:11,760 --> 01:45:16,520 back here obviously has it out for us 2133 01:45:13,719 --> 01:45:20,198 for at our small little business right 2134 01:45:16,520 --> 01:45:23,719 and hosting our health and hormones 2135 01:45:20,198 --> 01:45:27,079 seminar heaven forbid right I don't 2136 01:45:23,719 --> 01:45:30,319 understand why he's coming after us I'm 2137 01:45:27,079 --> 01:45:33,000 not really sure so I just want to 2138 01:45:30,319 --> 01:45:36,679 address that and let them know that we 2139 01:45:33,000 --> 01:45:39,520 are aware who told on us this is 2140 01:45:36,679 --> 01:45:42,920 childish literally childish I'm I'm like 2141 01:45:39,520 --> 01:45:46,400 mind blown we're trying to create a 2142 01:45:42,920 --> 01:45:48,118 small business we're a husband and wife 2143 01:45:46,399 --> 01:45:50,198 we feel like you guys are not on our 2144 01:45:48,118 --> 01:45:52,639 side we have people like this that are 2145 01:45:50,198 --> 01:45:55,319 coming after us for no apparent reason 2146 01:45:52,639 --> 01:45:57,480 like literally no reason stalking our 2147 01:45:55,319 --> 01:45:59,198 social media accounts and literally 2148 01:45:57,479 --> 01:46:00,959 coming to you and Reporting back on 2149 01:45:59,198 --> 01:46:03,118 whatever false information that he's 2150 01:46:00,960 --> 01:46:06,359 getting Mr KS has never been to my 2151 01:46:03,118 --> 01:46:09,960 residence I've only seen him one other 2152 01:46:06,359 --> 01:46:12,519 time and that was in passing here I've 2153 01:46:09,960 --> 01:46:13,719 never ever met him in person except 2154 01:46:12,520 --> 01:46:15,840 passing here when we came to get 2155 01:46:13,719 --> 01:46:18,039 something notorized so he's never been 2156 01:46:15,840 --> 01:46:20,000 to my home have I spoken to him on the 2157 01:46:18,039 --> 01:46:22,519 phone yes because when I received the 2158 01:46:20,000 --> 01:46:24,520 letter from Mr Dietrich uh ratting us 2159 01:46:22,520 --> 01:46:28,239 out about about having a on a Tupperware 2160 01:46:24,520 --> 01:46:30,080 party right um I called Mr KS because 2161 01:46:28,238 --> 01:46:32,959 that's what I was advised to do since 2162 01:46:30,079 --> 01:46:34,519 he's the supervisor we sent a letter to 2163 01:46:32,960 --> 01:46:38,560 you guys and we received no 2164 01:46:34,520 --> 01:46:38,560 communication back so that's 2165 01:46:39,118 --> 01:46:42,319 enough thank 2166 01:46:45,000 --> 01:46:48,359 you anyone 2167 01:46:50,960 --> 01:46:55,158 else all right yes oh no one else is 2168 01:46:54,079 --> 01:46:58,479 gonna 2169 01:46:55,158 --> 01:46:58,479 speak all right 2170 01:47:00,118 --> 01:47:06,479 Janette okay so um Janette Retta tyone 2171 01:47:03,840 --> 01:47:11,480 Township um resident do you need this 2172 01:47:06,479 --> 01:47:14,238 you don't need this um yeah because the 2173 01:47:11,479 --> 01:47:17,638 video they can't always hear all right 2174 01:47:14,238 --> 01:47:17,638 thank you is it actually recording 2175 01:47:17,840 --> 01:47:23,920 tonight okay um so instead of correcting 2176 01:47:21,840 --> 01:47:26,400 the mistake of issuing centry letters 2177 01:47:23,920 --> 01:47:29,039 with no legal citations no evidence no 2178 01:47:26,399 --> 01:47:30,879 due process this board is doubled down 2179 01:47:29,039 --> 01:47:33,519 choosing to move forward with a 2180 01:47:30,880 --> 01:47:35,560 politically motivated removal of Chris 2181 01:47:33,520 --> 01:47:37,599 from the Planning Commission Now this 2182 01:47:35,560 --> 01:47:39,199 isn't about policy and it's not about 2183 01:47:37,599 --> 01:47:41,880 what's best for the township this is 2184 01:47:39,198 --> 01:47:44,000 about power and control and everyone can 2185 01:47:41,880 --> 01:47:46,118 see it and let's be honest about what's 2186 01:47:44,000 --> 01:47:48,880 Happening Here certain members of this 2187 01:47:46,118 --> 01:47:51,439 board have been determined to punish 2188 01:47:48,880 --> 01:47:52,840 Chris De and Greg from day one you 2189 01:47:51,439 --> 01:47:54,198 didn't like that they asked question 2190 01:47:52,840 --> 01:47:56,960 questions and you didn't like that they 2191 01:47:54,198 --> 01:47:59,039 challenge the way things were done the 2192 01:47:56,960 --> 01:48:01,960 centers had no legal basis but nobody 2193 01:47:59,039 --> 01:48:04,118 wants to listen to that and instead of 2194 01:48:01,960 --> 01:48:06,359 recognizing good work that's been done 2195 01:48:04,118 --> 01:48:08,439 you're removing him for no stated reason 2196 01:48:06,359 --> 01:48:11,279 because you can and all you have to do 2197 01:48:08,439 --> 01:48:14,000 is ask people on Hogan Road cuz the four 2198 01:48:11,279 --> 01:48:17,399 of you one two three of you have been 2199 01:48:14,000 --> 01:48:20,319 here forever and nothing has gotten done 2200 01:48:17,399 --> 01:48:24,399 on Hogan Road Chris came in he listened 2201 01:48:20,319 --> 01:48:24,399 to them and he moved it along 2202 01:48:26,079 --> 01:48:29,319 so you made it clear that you're going 2203 01:48:27,319 --> 01:48:31,679 to weaponize your positions to remove 2204 01:48:29,319 --> 01:48:33,279 those who don't fall in line you made it 2205 01:48:31,679 --> 01:48:35,319 clear that you'll ignore the voices of 2206 01:48:33,279 --> 01:48:37,238 residents who voted for accountability 2207 01:48:35,319 --> 01:48:40,840 and instead use your time in office to 2208 01:48:37,238 --> 01:48:44,479 settle political scores and please 2209 01:48:40,840 --> 01:48:47,079 don't uh uh forget that Herman knew what 2210 01:48:44,479 --> 01:48:48,439 was going on Herman knew exactly what 2211 01:48:47,079 --> 01:48:50,359 was going on that's why we all 2212 01:48:48,439 --> 01:48:53,879 campaigned so hard for him he wanted 2213 01:48:50,359 --> 01:48:55,759 exactly what Greg Dean and Chris wanted 2214 01:48:53,880 --> 01:48:56,639 to clean things up and start holding 2215 01:48:55,760 --> 01:48:59,639 people 2216 01:48:56,639 --> 01:49:03,000 accountable he wanted it but someone got 2217 01:48:59,639 --> 01:49:03,000 to him first 2218 01:49:04,439 --> 01:49:09,399 right so um what happens when Chris 2219 01:49:08,079 --> 01:49:12,599 takes us to 2220 01:49:09,399 --> 01:49:14,238 court way to go guys and what happens 2221 01:49:12,599 --> 01:49:17,239 when this Township is forced to answer 2222 01:49:14,238 --> 01:49:19,479 for abusing its power to silence elected 2223 01:49:17,238 --> 01:49:21,678 officials and what happens when local 2224 01:49:19,479 --> 01:49:23,718 residents like my friend who just got up 2225 01:49:21,679 --> 01:49:25,679 who run a business here who have been 2226 01:49:23,719 --> 01:49:28,239 targeted simply because they are my 2227 01:49:25,679 --> 01:49:31,239 personal friend this Planning Commission 2228 01:49:28,238 --> 01:49:32,919 lets stuff go for years people not in 2229 01:49:31,238 --> 01:49:34,559 compliance years and years and years 2230 01:49:32,920 --> 01:49:37,480 you've heard Scott get up and complain 2231 01:49:34,560 --> 01:49:40,119 about them and they do nothing but as 2232 01:49:37,479 --> 01:49:42,799 soon as they see and find a videotape oh 2233 01:49:40,118 --> 01:49:45,439 my gosh janette's friends with the Mals 2234 01:49:42,800 --> 01:49:48,199 what are they doing and now they want to 2235 01:49:45,439 --> 01:49:51,759 go after her look at what Kevin Ross is 2236 01:49:48,198 --> 01:49:55,960 doing online what he's doing to malign 2237 01:49:51,760 --> 01:49:58,000 them to damage what's so funny Herman 2238 01:49:55,960 --> 01:50:00,960 you think it's funny you doing laughing 2239 01:49:58,000 --> 01:50:00,960 with Cunningham back 2240 01:50:02,439 --> 01:50:07,759 there 2241 01:50:05,319 --> 01:50:10,920 yeah I want a couple more seconds cuz I 2242 01:50:07,760 --> 01:50:10,920 didn't start for 15 2243 01:50:11,238 --> 01:50:17,399 seconds pardon me can't not would you 2244 01:50:15,039 --> 01:50:19,479 let everybody else go over great 15 2245 01:50:17,399 --> 01:50:22,759 seconds cuz I didn't get start for 15 2246 01:50:19,479 --> 01:50:25,598 seconds he has been L maligning them 2247 01:50:22,760 --> 01:50:28,199 online and what he's doing is all 2248 01:50:25,599 --> 01:50:30,119 because Cunningham never took control of 2249 01:50:28,198 --> 01:50:33,359 these people that are attacking 2250 01:50:30,118 --> 01:50:35,519 residents I'm taking control sit down 2251 01:50:33,359 --> 01:50:38,000 please so you need to take control of 2252 01:50:35,520 --> 01:50:41,740 what's going on right by the way the 2253 01:50:38,000 --> 01:50:44,810 person who brought up gentl he like 2254 01:50:41,739 --> 01:50:44,809 [Music] 2255 01:50:45,520 --> 01:50:54,639 toap Jette Janette Janette please 2256 01:50:50,359 --> 01:50:54,639 Janette please sit down please 2257 01:50:54,800 --> 01:50:57,560 yes 2258 01:51:04,679 --> 01:51:11,399 bill so I just have one more thing about 2259 01:51:07,800 --> 01:51:16,119 the Integrity of Chris Retta to sit 2260 01:51:11,399 --> 01:51:17,960 there and lie at a public meeting and I 2261 01:51:16,118 --> 01:51:21,198 simply ask for an 2262 01:51:17,960 --> 01:51:24,560 apology and do you think I could get 2263 01:51:21,198 --> 01:51:24,559 that that's 2264 01:51:27,800 --> 01:51:30,800 Integrity 2265 01:51:37,560 --> 01:51:43,639 yes can you hear me yep okay I'm Sue ol 2266 01:51:41,238 --> 01:51:48,039 I live in Tyrone Township for 20 plus 2267 01:51:43,639 --> 01:51:50,159 years I'd like to express my frustration 2268 01:51:48,039 --> 01:51:52,800 with some of you who have pressed to run 2269 01:51:50,158 --> 01:51:55,359 on a platform of transparency 2270 01:51:52,800 --> 01:51:58,000 yet have chosen to follow your own 2271 01:51:55,359 --> 01:51:59,960 agendas after making the decision to 2272 01:51:58,000 --> 01:52:01,599 your mouth honey after making the 2273 01:51:59,960 --> 01:52:03,520 decisions to charge the Planning 2274 01:52:01,599 --> 01:52:06,520 Commission members with non- feance 2275 01:52:03,520 --> 01:52:08,239 without including the entire board 2276 01:52:06,520 --> 01:52:10,280 that's the big part you didn't include 2277 01:52:08,238 --> 01:52:13,479 everybody you should accept that you 2278 01:52:10,279 --> 01:52:15,198 made a mistake learn from it and get on 2279 01:52:13,479 --> 01:52:17,519 with conducting the business of our 2280 01:52:15,198 --> 01:52:20,879 Township I have to agree with Greg on 2281 01:52:17,520 --> 01:52:23,960 that get to business the imitate the 2282 01:52:20,880 --> 01:52:26,199 intimidation tactics need need to stop 2283 01:52:23,960 --> 01:52:29,319 you were elected to serve and represent 2284 01:52:26,198 --> 01:52:31,759 the residents it saddens me to see our 2285 01:52:29,319 --> 01:52:34,799 community ridiculed and embarrassed 2286 01:52:31,760 --> 01:52:36,520 because of your contentious Behavior we 2287 01:52:34,800 --> 01:52:40,360 deserve 2288 01:52:36,520 --> 01:52:45,960 better thank you 2289 01:52:40,359 --> 01:52:45,960 than no not appropriate 2290 01:52:50,639 --> 01:52:58,239 sorry Garrett ladart Road um just a few 2291 01:52:55,760 --> 01:53:00,560 things um I'm part of the Planning 2292 01:52:58,238 --> 01:53:01,879 Commission uh do you guys have my 2293 01:53:00,560 --> 01:53:04,039 attendance 2294 01:53:01,880 --> 01:53:06,639 record what do you have my attendance 2295 01:53:04,039 --> 01:53:09,719 record for last year they were the best 2296 01:53:06,639 --> 01:53:12,039 ones of all yeah I'll tell you that okay 2297 01:53:09,719 --> 01:53:13,439 your attendance record was fine the 2298 01:53:12,039 --> 01:53:17,039 exact number in front of me but I do 2299 01:53:13,439 --> 01:53:19,479 remember yours was up in the 70% okay I 2300 01:53:17,039 --> 01:53:23,359 think I can help okay here's everybody's 2301 01:53:19,479 --> 01:53:23,359 attendance record since 2019 2302 01:53:23,639 --> 01:53:26,560 one thing you guys hav't talked about is 2303 01:53:25,279 --> 01:53:28,679 who's been here and who hasn't never 2304 01:53:26,560 --> 01:53:31,800 heard 2305 01:53:28,679 --> 01:53:31,800 those they 2306 01:53:33,439 --> 01:53:42,198 are so the 70% isn't 2307 01:53:38,960 --> 01:53:44,679 well said she was 2308 01:53:42,198 --> 01:53:47,479 interrupted go ahead K I'm 2309 01:53:44,679 --> 01:53:49,118 sorry I guess that's I I wanted to know 2310 01:53:47,479 --> 01:53:51,319 if you have all the attendance records I 2311 01:53:49,118 --> 01:53:53,238 just I I have never seen it I don't know 2312 01:53:51,319 --> 01:53:55,078 what it is there's there's been times I 2313 01:53:53,238 --> 01:53:58,198 can't make it for reasons for my 2314 01:53:55,078 --> 01:54:00,639 daughter or for my wife um that's just 2315 01:53:58,198 --> 01:54:03,519 that's part of having a family and I run 2316 01:54:00,639 --> 01:54:05,960 a business so yeah I wanted to know that 2317 01:54:03,520 --> 01:54:07,679 cuz I've never seen it and I you know 2318 01:54:05,960 --> 01:54:10,960 Greg you gave me a letter that said my 2319 01:54:07,679 --> 01:54:13,760 attendance was piss po to say the least 2320 01:54:10,960 --> 01:54:16,960 so um the other thing I want to know 2321 01:54:13,760 --> 01:54:16,960 this record it's the same 2322 01:54:17,039 --> 01:54:21,960 thing okay um thank you um the other 2323 01:54:20,399 --> 01:54:25,000 thing I want to know that nobody's 2324 01:54:21,960 --> 01:54:27,880 brought up is what kind of cost have we 2325 01:54:25,000 --> 01:54:31,679 this is me as a resident paying taxes 2326 01:54:27,880 --> 01:54:35,639 how much has this cost us so far does 2327 01:54:31,679 --> 01:54:38,199 anyone have a tally on that too 2328 01:54:35,639 --> 01:54:40,239 much I mean still waiting for some 2329 01:54:38,198 --> 01:54:43,158 invoices I mean is that going to be a 2330 01:54:40,238 --> 01:54:44,718 public knowledge like certainly will I 2331 01:54:43,158 --> 01:54:46,638 think that would be appropriate for 2332 01:54:44,719 --> 01:54:49,000 everyone in this room to know what's 2333 01:54:46,639 --> 01:54:53,639 going on where their money is going my 2334 01:54:49,000 --> 01:54:57,560 money um and the last thing is Greg I 2335 01:54:53,639 --> 01:54:59,800 know you you know my family Dean I've 2336 01:54:57,560 --> 01:55:00,800 done business with you you've been on my 2337 01:54:59,800 --> 01:55:04,360 job 2338 01:55:00,800 --> 01:55:06,679 sites you call me I give you an 2339 01:55:04,359 --> 01:55:10,198 answer I've been professional with both 2340 01:55:06,679 --> 01:55:12,639 of you Chris I don't know much about you 2341 01:55:10,198 --> 01:55:15,198 all I know is since I got on the 2342 01:55:12,639 --> 01:55:17,480 Planning Commission all you did was 2343 01:55:15,198 --> 01:55:19,879 yelled and tried to intimidate us the 2344 01:55:17,479 --> 01:55:21,399 whole time saying that we don't do 2345 01:55:19,880 --> 01:55:22,840 things the right way we're doing things 2346 01:55:21,399 --> 01:55:26,519 behind scenes 2347 01:55:22,840 --> 01:55:28,719 I don't know why you think that I'm I'm 2348 01:55:26,520 --> 01:55:30,920 here for a reason just like you you're 2349 01:55:28,719 --> 01:55:33,279 here for a reason right but you come 2350 01:55:30,920 --> 01:55:37,199 from this side and then you come over 2351 01:55:33,279 --> 01:55:39,198 here and you're doing exactly what you 2352 01:55:37,198 --> 01:55:42,359 were saying that we were 2353 01:55:39,198 --> 01:55:44,279 doing do you not like you don't get that 2354 01:55:42,359 --> 01:55:48,000 that doesn't process in your head makes 2355 01:55:44,279 --> 01:55:49,759 no sense so I guess my big point is Greg 2356 01:55:48,000 --> 01:55:51,960 you have my phone number you know where 2357 01:55:49,760 --> 01:55:53,960 I live you've been to my house Dean you 2358 01:55:51,960 --> 01:55:56,279 have my phone number you know where I 2359 01:55:53,960 --> 01:55:59,319 live you live right next to my parents I 2360 01:55:56,279 --> 01:56:01,559 see you all the time Chris I wouldn't 2361 01:55:59,319 --> 01:56:04,359 even care less if I pass you on the side 2362 01:56:01,560 --> 01:56:08,079 of the street to talk to you you guys 2363 01:56:04,359 --> 01:56:10,920 know who I am call me apologize and I'll 2364 01:56:08,078 --> 01:56:13,759 move on I'm a big boy there's you know 2365 01:56:10,920 --> 01:56:15,599 what my last profession if someone stuck 2366 01:56:13,760 --> 01:56:17,239 me the wrong way guess what you're going 2367 01:56:15,599 --> 01:56:18,760 to the face off next time I'm going to 2368 01:56:17,238 --> 01:56:19,638 line up with you we're going to fight 2369 01:56:18,760 --> 01:56:22,480 and then we're going to have a beer 2370 01:56:19,639 --> 01:56:24,400 after the game that's all I'm asking for 2371 01:56:22,479 --> 01:56:26,479 that's all Bill's asking for it ain't 2372 01:56:24,399 --> 01:56:30,198 hard it's not rocket 2373 01:56:26,479 --> 01:56:31,489 science that's all I got thank you 2374 01:56:30,198 --> 01:56:34,589 thanks 2375 01:56:31,489 --> 01:56:34,590 [Music] 2376 01:56:49,399 --> 01:56:55,598 Garr so what I have here guys 2377 01:56:53,439 --> 01:56:57,839 is all the foyer documents that I got 2378 01:56:55,599 --> 01:57:00,400 when I put a foyer request in to you 2379 01:56:57,840 --> 01:57:04,119 Greg to you Dean to 2380 01:57:00,399 --> 01:57:06,238 Chris and outside of the fact that I'd 2381 01:57:04,118 --> 01:57:08,279 never got everything back which has been 2382 01:57:06,238 --> 01:57:12,479 reported to the 2383 01:57:08,279 --> 01:57:16,279 AG I I was a little I was a little 2384 01:57:12,479 --> 01:57:19,399 shocked and a little saddened that in Li 2385 01:57:16,279 --> 01:57:23,279 of transparency that you guys called for 2386 01:57:19,399 --> 01:57:24,679 you guys wrongfully blamed us on the PC 2387 01:57:23,279 --> 01:57:25,920 it's saying that we were having backd 2388 01:57:24,679 --> 01:57:28,199 door meetings and we were doing all 2389 01:57:25,920 --> 01:57:30,960 these these these these these things 2390 01:57:28,198 --> 01:57:34,279 that was completely untrue and Chris you 2391 01:57:30,960 --> 01:57:36,279 would State this all the time all the 2392 01:57:34,279 --> 01:57:38,359 time when you would go and try to come 2393 01:57:36,279 --> 01:57:40,759 up against I mean even the board this is 2394 01:57:38,359 --> 01:57:44,719 a regular thing that you would try to do 2395 01:57:40,760 --> 01:57:46,400 to belittle us to go and try to to say 2396 01:57:44,719 --> 01:57:48,359 that oh well we're doing we're doing 2397 01:57:46,399 --> 01:57:51,000 something wrong when we knew inside we 2398 01:57:48,359 --> 01:57:53,118 were not additionally i p the foyer out 2399 01:57:51,000 --> 01:57:55,078 and I really thank you and I thank your 2400 01:57:53,118 --> 01:57:57,759 wife for actually advertising it if you 2401 01:57:55,078 --> 01:57:59,679 go to Tyrone Township watch.org you she 2402 01:57:57,760 --> 01:58:02,440 has given me free advertising from her 2403 01:57:59,679 --> 01:58:05,359 Facebook page you guys in the public can 2404 01:58:02,439 --> 01:58:08,198 go and see all those Foya documents for 2405 01:58:05,359 --> 01:58:12,839 yourself on the 2406 01:58:08,198 --> 01:58:12,839 website what Tyrone Township 2407 01:58:14,118 --> 01:58:21,198 watch go check it out he's created a 2408 01:58:17,679 --> 01:58:21,199 website nowbody 2409 01:58:22,359 --> 01:58:25,118 is there anybody 2410 01:58:27,359 --> 01:58:35,559 else her Schultz Sil L States number two 2411 01:58:33,158 --> 01:58:37,598 want to thank the board for standing up 2412 01:58:35,560 --> 01:58:39,800 for what's 2413 01:58:37,599 --> 01:58:42,840 right it's terrible when you have to 2414 01:58:39,800 --> 01:58:48,039 listen to someone belittle everyone talk 2415 01:58:42,840 --> 01:58:51,159 down to them and then read the laws to 2416 01:58:48,039 --> 01:58:53,920 you someone can't understand what the 2417 01:58:51,158 --> 01:58:55,920 intent of the Lord law is instead of 2418 01:58:53,920 --> 01:59:02,039 what the letter of the law 2419 01:58:55,920 --> 01:59:04,520 is thank you you represent me in Tyrone 2420 01:59:02,039 --> 01:59:07,519 Township you 2421 01:59:04,520 --> 01:59:07,520 don't 2422 01:59:12,679 --> 01:59:16,078 wow is that 2423 01:59:16,599 --> 01:59:23,639 it all 2424 01:59:19,800 --> 01:59:27,119 right I guess we 2425 01:59:23,639 --> 01:59:30,520 need a motion to adjourn 2426 01:59:27,118 --> 01:59:30,519 someone all in 2427 01:59:31,560 --> 01:59:35,079 favor you first 2428 01:59:35,399 --> 01:59:40,118 Jennifer either way I'm good 2429 01:59:49,739 --> 01:59:55,078 [Music] 2430 01:59:52,719 --> 01:59:55,078 our next 2431 01:59:56,539 --> 01:59:59,640 [Music] 2432 02:00:04,800 --> 02:00:10,310 steps 2433 02:00:07,000 --> 02:00:11,479 later Tre string myself 2434 02:00:10,310 --> 02:00:14,639 [Music] 2435 02:00:11,479 --> 02:00:17,919 up that's an 2436 02:00:14,639 --> 02:00:17,920 idea you 2437 02:00:18,599 --> 02:00:23,960 so don't tell me you kick the horse too 2438 02:00:24,840 --> 02:00:28,288 [Music] 2439 02:00:28,359 --> 02:00:33,598 if it were easy everybody yes